I Missed You

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You waited anxiously on your plane as you waited till you got the okay to get off. It had been a long flight home and all you wanted to do was go home and see your wife Taylor.

"Attention passengers, you may exit the plane. Make sure to grab all of your belongings and thank you for flying with us!" The flight attendants voice sounded very chipper, despite the late time on a Saturday night.

You watched the person next to you in the aisle seat stand up and grab his things. You had tried to be friendly with the man but he seemed to be even more annoyed and tired than you were. So, the whole flight was consumed in watching the episodes of Greys Antony Taylor had downloaded for you.

After grabbing your bag you left the plane and walked across the airport straight to the baggage carousel. Impatiently waiting, the two minutes till you could see your sticker covered suitcase seemed like eternity.

Rolling the suitcase with your right hand and your small supple over your left shoulder, you walked through the crowd in the bustling airport.

A voice suddenly came from behind you as you were checking your phone, "Y/N! Babe! I missed you so much!" Taylor wrapped her arms around you and you too paused for a nice long kiss.

Your voice was calmed, you felt so much happier when she was around. "Hello Taylor. I missed you too."

"It was so boring without you."

"I'm sure it was." You replied with a faint chuckle, your arms wrapped around her neck and staring into her beautiful blue eyes. "Come on, let's go home."

She led you by the hand to her car, where you two drove home through the city streets sparkling with light.

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