Soon You'll Get Better Part 1

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A/N This is a pretty sad one. I'm sorry if any of the medical information is incorrect. The main characters pronouns are She/her and the POV is all over.

Y/N's 2nd Person POV

Taylor lay down next to you on the bed rubbing your back, as you had an awful cough.

"Baby, I'm so sorry you are feeling so gross."

"It's fine, it's not that bad," You replied but ended it with a horse cough. 

She helped you sit up but then got off of the bed. 

"I'll go grab you some more water," she said as grabbing your glass and walking towards the kitchen.

Right after she left, you started coughing even rougher and then began feeling nauseous. You stood up and ran to the bathroom.

You hunched over the toilet and threw up violently. It hurt a lot coming out. 

You heard Taylor run into the bathroom as soon as she realized you were in there vomiting. She pulled your hair into a ponytail and rubbed your back as you threw up. 

When you were finally done you pushed away from the toilet and buried your head into Taylor's chest. 

"Um-Y/N, don't freak out but we need to go to the ER." You looked up her and saw her concerned face. 

"Why?" You asked and she pulled you into her arms. 

Taylor's 1st Person POV

I went to the kitchen to fill up Y/N's water. My poor bumblebee was getting really sick. I watched the glass fill up until I heard something from the bedroom.

I turned off the faucet and ran over to the room. Walking into the bathroom I saw Y/N over the toilet. 

"Babe-" I comforted her as she threw up. When she was done, she immediately turned away into me. Taking a glance at the toilet I saw that she had vomited up blood. 

I told her, "We need to go to the ER." She was almost confused that I said that as she had not seen it. 


I gave her a hug and quickly explained, "You threw up blood." She had a terrified look on her face and tears formed into her eyes as she looked into the toilet. 

I helped her stand up and led her to the car. I wanted to rush but she was really sick and scared. 

I opened the passenger car door, and she sat down in the seat. I ran to the other side of the car and hopped in.

Putting the key into the car I comforted her, "It's all going to be okay." I kissed her head and drove off. 

Y/N's 2nd Person POV

Taylor held your hands while you two were waiting in a hospital room. You had been taken back and had some tests done, you were waiting to see what they said.

You were crying into Taylor's chest, and she was comforting you all night, "Everything will be okay hon-" She started to say but then the doctor came in.

"Y/N, we got your test results back." Dr. Williams addressed you as she took a seat. 

"I'm very sorry to inform you that you have stage three lung cancer. I will give you some time to process this then we can talk about treatment options." She gave you the news then walked out of the door. 

You turned to Taylor, and she took you in her arms. "Baby it's all going to be okay; I love you so much, we can do this together." She cried into your hospital gown, and you soaked her shirt. 

The two of you stayed like that until the doctor came back in again.

Taylor Swift ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora