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Yeonjun pov:

"Yeonjun, do you wanna go on a date?" Soobin asks.

I blink, my mind processing the unexpected question. "What?" I manage to say.

Soobin rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Do you wanna go or not? You could've just said that you didn't wanna go"

"No wait, I do wanna go" I quickly correct myself.

Soobin's expression softens, the corner of his lips curling into a smile. "Then get ready quickly" he replies.

I rush towards my room and I rummage through my closet. I quickly found a suitable outfit and change into it.

With one last glance in the mirror, I take a deep breath and I leave my room. 

Soobin was waiting by the front door. His eyes met mine and a warm smile graced his features. "Ready to go?" he asks, offering his hand.

I hestitate for a moment before placing my hand in Soobin's.

We arrive at the restaurant, a cozy little place illuminated by dim lights and filled with the aroma of delicious food.

As we took our seats, Soobin leans in closer, his voice dropping to a low whisper. "You look beautiful"

I felt my face getting hot, "Thank you?" I stammer.

Soobin chuckles. "Relax, Yeonjun. It's just you and me Yeonjun, no need to be nervous"

I look at the menue, i feel a hand gently place on top of mine. "I'm glad you agreed to come with me"

I smile, the anxiety slowly fading away. "I'm glad too, I never expected this side of you"

Soobin smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, you know what they say, Yeonjun. There's always more to a person than meets the eye," he teases, a playful edge to his voice.


They enjoy their meal, their laughter filling the air. It was a side of Soobin that Yeonjun had never seen before.

As the night grew darker, Soobin leans in. "Can I kiss you?"

Yeonjun's heart skips a beat. He nods and says "sure"

Soobin leans in to Yeonjun and cups his face with his hands before pressing his lips to his. He closed his eyes and kissed Yeonjun passionately.

When they finally pulled away from each other, Yeonjun's cheeks were flushed.

"Maybe this marriage to you isn't that bad after all."

Soobin chuckles, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of Yeonjun's  mouth "No, it's not" he whispers.

I have no words for this chapter. (JEWDHDJGDJEWGWEJFGF)

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed it✨

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