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"See, I told you that you'll get sick"


"Hey, what do you mean by that!" Soobin chased Yeonjun as they ran out of the mall. Yeonjun only laughed, making Soobin run faster. But in the end, Soobin caught up to Yeonjun.

"Okay fine you win," Yeonjun said while laughing. Soobin couldn't help but ruffle Yeonjun's hair in victory.

"Let's go get icecream" Soobin said while catching his breath. Yeonjun eagerly agreed and they both ran to the closest icecream shop. 

"I don't understand why you like mint icecream"

"Because it's good"

"No it's tastes like toothpaste"

"No it doesn't"

"Yeah it does! why don't you just eat tooth paste instead of this icecream?"

"Why don't you just keep your mouth shut?"

"'Cause I don't want to"

"Won't it be better though?"

"No everyone loves my voice"

"I don't"

They laughed while eating their scoops and then they decided to walk around.

Suddenly rain started to pour down.

"Hey Soobin look! It's raining" Yeonjun said, his eyes sparkling with childlike excitement. Soobin rolled his eyes, his annoyance evident. "Yeonjun, stop playing in the rain and let's go home. You'll catch a cold"

"Who cares about a little cold? It's fun!"

"Fine then, don't come come crying to me when you catch a cold" Soobin retorted crossing his arms."

"I won't, why would I?"

"Wait, I'll cook dinner..atleast i'll try to" Soobin said mumbling the last part.

Soobin busied himself in the kitchen. Finally, when he was done, he placed the chicken soup in front of Yeonjun.

"So how is it?" Soobin asked.

"Well, it's not bad. Atleast you didn't burn down the kitchen."

"Hey, I- You know what?Just..I told you not to play in the rain" 

"Soobin i'm fine, it's just a little cold" 

Soobin scoffs softly, "You're far from fine. Just lie down and try to get some rest"

Soobin sighed, setting aside the pot of soup. He rummaged through the cabinets, searching for medicine.

Yeonjun's eyes narrowed at the sight of the small bottle. "I'm not taking that medicine"

"Yeonjun, you don't have a choice. You have to"

"No! I don't want to!" Yeonjun's voice grew stubborn.

"Yeonjun, take it!" Soobin urged,  holding a pill out to him.

Yeonjun turned away, crossing his arms stubbornly. "No, I don't want to."

Soobin's voice grew more insistent. "You'll get even sicker if you don't take your medicine!"

Yeonjun's glare hardened. "I don't care if I get more sick! I'm not taking that medicine!"

Soobin's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of mischief sparkling within them. "Fine then, If you won't take it willingly, I'll have to make you"

Before Yeonjun could react, Soobin had taken the medicine and water into his mouth, his lips pressing against Yeonjun's.

Yeonjun's eyes widened in shock, his face turning a shade of crimson that matched the wild beating of his heart.

They stayed locked in that moment, their lips pressed together, before Soobin finally pulled away, a smug grin on his face.

 Swallowing hard, Yeonjun stared at him, disbelief written all over his face. "What the hell, what did you just do?!"

Soobin chuckled softly, his gaze teasing. "Don't be so dramatic, Yeonjun. It's just medicine."

Yeonjun's mind was racing, his thoughts were a mess. " kissed me to transfer the medicine?"

Soobin shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, it was the fastest way. And it's not like I haven't kissed you before."

 "That's not the point!" Yeonjun spluttered, feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and annoyance.

"Yeah whatever" Soobin grabbed and pulled yeonjun's legs, forcing him to lie on the bed.

"Oww, what the fuck?" yeonjun mumbled

"Just rest" Soobin sighs and and layed down next to Yeonjun.

"Good night" Soobin says before kissing yeonjun's forehead.

Sorry for not updating but I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! 

Thank you guys so much for 9.1k reads!

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