Chapter 5

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"So, what do we think?"

My head turns to Gray at his question, and I raise an eyebrow, unsure of what he was asking about.

Understanding my confusion, he nods his head towards somewhere in the room and I follow his gaze, looking at Cecilia's sleeping figure curled under heavy piles of blankets. 

The second we'd made it back to our shared room, she abandoned all conversations with Luca and tossed herself into her bed, easily falling asleep in seconds. 

"I like her." Luca's voice was mumbled over a mouthful of food. He'd taken a concerningly large amount of food back with him after dinner and was currently munching on them while staring at his phone. 

"Don't worry, we can tell by the way you talked her head off." Alex said in his monotone voice, not even bothering to look up from his book. 

I watched as Luca dug from his plastic bag of whatever he was eating and launched it across the room, hitting Alex right on the side of his head before it fell down onto his sheets. 

Alex slowly looks up at him, a look of disbelief on his face. "Did you seriously just throw a crisp at me?"

Luca shrugs smugly and goes back to stuffing his face. His first bite is interrupted by Alex who threw the crisp right back at him, leaving a few crumbs in Luca's hair. Luca turns to him and scowls and then proceeds to take a handful from the package and hurls them in his direction.

"Are you serious right now?" Alex raises both his eyebrows challenging. "You really want to play like immature children?" 

In the next thirty seconds, me and Gray watched Alex and Luca proceeded to throw food at each other, grunting and spitting childish words at each other. It was like a miniature food fight I'd be likely to see in a cafeteria. 

A stir coming from Cecilia stops the both of them. They both froze and momentarily forgot their war to cautiously turn towards the girl. They stood impressively still as to not wake her up and both let out a simultaneous sigh when she made no other signs of waking up. 

"Be quiet, you're gonna wake up our new roommate." Gray whisper-shouted to them before turning to me. "So?"

I looked at him quizzically before I remembered his earlier question and my eyes found her sleeping frame. My eyes lingered on her for a few moments before I found Grays. I shrugged carelessly. "She's quiet." I said plainly. 

He stares into my eyes for a moment, but I'm not sure what he's looking for. It's true, I didn't have any opinions on her. She was quiet. And plain, for that matter. 

Gray nodded and didn't say anything, turning back to his phone. I took it as my cue that the conversation was over and turned over, pulling over my bedding and allowing myself to fall into a quick sleep. 


Sorry this one's so short :( I'm in a whole other state rn but I'll try and update another one quicker since this was so short

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