Chapter 11

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"236, 237, 238, 239

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"236, 237, 238, 239..." I mumble, my eyes keeping track of the number of sheep jumping over the imaginary fence. The method never works to clear my insomnia, but I have nothing else to bore me into sleep, so why not?

"...240, 241, 242, 243-" an extra loud snore comes from Luca's corner, sounding like a giant dying mammoth, effectively cutting off my counting.

I watch another made up sheep hop across a made up fence. What number was I on?

I sigh, starting over. "1, 2, 3-"

"Jesus, can you be quiet?"

I frown and look at Matteo, my eyes practically stinging with how tired they were yet still unable to close and sleep. "I'm trying to sleep." I say.

"Yeah, so am I." He grumbles.

"Sorry." I say quietly. I turn to the other side, facing the plain white wall my bed was up against, staring at the few Polaroid pictures I had taped against it. I force myself to close my eyes, trying to get myself to just sleep.

"What are you even counting anyways?" Matteo asks tiredly, his voice hushed.

"The sheep." Is all I say, point a finger up to the ceiling tiredly. "Well they're gone now." I frown, sighing. He broke me out of my little visualization and now I can't even picture them anymore. Oh well, it wasn't even working anyways.

"The sheep?" He asks slowly, and in the dark I can see him slowly turning his head to where I was pointing.

"The sheep method to sleep, you know?" I turn my head and see him looking at me like I'm crazy and am actually seeing real life sheep. "You count the sheep jumping over the fence until you go to sleep...?"

"Oh." Is all he says, and when I turn my head I see him looking up with furrowed eyebrows.

He stays quiet after that, and so do I so I just assume he fell back asleep. I wait for a few moments until it's complete silence minus the occasional loud snore from Luca.

Trying to stay quiet, I sit up in bed and swing my legs over, slowly sliding off and placing my feet on the cold hardwood floor.

Tip-toeing quietly, I carefully head towards my dresser and pull a jacket out, slowly sliding it on.

"What are you doing now?" I halt at Matteo's voice.

"I thought you fell back asleep." I whisper.

He grunts. "That doesn't answer my question now does it?"

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