Chapter 10

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"I feel bad about not letting Cecelia come," Gray sighs for the millionth time, bringing the roll up to his lips

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"I feel bad about not letting Cecelia come," Gray sighs for the millionth time, bringing the roll up to his lips. You know, him continuing to worry so much kind of defeats the whole purpose of him coming here and relaxing.

"Don't." I lift my shoulders before letting them drop completely, feeling my body completely relax as I take in the marijuana.

"What's your problem with poor little Cecilia?" Alex pipes up, staring at me inquiringly.

"What?" I look at him in confusion. "I don't have a problem with her."

"Really? 'Cause you're always glaring at her whenever she's with us like you want her to go away." Gray lifts an eyebrow, exhaling the weed before passing it on to Alex.

"I don't glare at her..." I murmur.

"You kinda do."

"Whatever, Alex." I roll my eyes at him. "What's with you and always being in other peoples business?"

He shrugs. "It's fun playing instigator."

I roll my eyes for the millionth time. If my mom were here, she'd scold me for the rude gesture then tell me if I kept doing it, my eyes would end up stuck at the top of my head. What a weird image.

"Well, she just got her like three days ago. Do you guys expect me to just be buddy buddy with her immediately?" I defend.

"I mean it wouldn't be hard to just be a little more friendly..." Gray drawls.

I scoff. "Well I think some of us have been a bit too friendly." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" Gray speaks over exaggeratedly loud. "Couldn't hear you."

My jaw ticks and I suppress another eye roll. "I said some of you seem a bit too friendly to her."

He smirks smugly, and from the corner of my eye I see Alex watching us with an amused looks. The little bastard just loves observing people after purposefully starting something.

"Aw, are you upset me and Luca are friends with her and spend time with her and you can't?" He mockingly pouts at me.

I stare at him with cold, narrowed eyes for a moment. "Why would I be upset if I don't even like her or want to spend time with her." I finally say.

Alex snaps his figures. "See? Just admitted you don't like her." He grins, inhaling the smoke.

"It's not that I don't like her-"

"-you just said you didn't."

"Right, thanks Gray,- it's just...she's too nice."

"Too nice?" Gray repeats, looking at me like I'm stupid.

"Yes." My jaw clenches in annoyance. "She's too nice. I don't like people like that."

"Luca's like that." Gray's eyes narrow. "Do you not like Luca now?"

"No." I huff. "Calm down you don't need to get all overprotective of him like always. But...I mean I did need to get used to Luca at first. He just talks a lot and people who do that bug me." I shrug.

Gray stares at me. "The only reason I'm so protective of Luca is because he's one of my friends and he's just one of those people that are too nice for this word. Cecilia's the same. There's not a lot of people out there that are actually happy and kind." He shrugs a shoulder.

"I personally like Cecilia." Alex raises a hand like his opinion matters.

I sigh exasperatedly. "Fine. I'll start being nicer to her."

Gray smiles proudly.

"You know...she's kind of pretty." Alex says thoughtfully, his head tilted back and looking upwards.

My jaw clenches as I stare at him. "Don't even..."

"Don't even what?" He asks innocently. "I thought you don't even really like her."

"Yeah, don't even what, Matteo?" Grayson taunts.

"Can you two stop teaming up on me all the time? And don't look at me like that. I was just saying don't start heading after Cecilia. We all know how you get when it comes to chasing after girls." I glare warningly at Alex.

"But if you don't care about her why do you care about Alex going after her?" Grayson tilts his head.

"I don't." I speak through clenched teeth. "I just think no girl at all should be caught by Alex."

Said womanizer pouts sadly. "I don't know what you mean. Girls are happy to have my attention."

I kick my foot into the ground, blowing a cloud of dirt in his direction and effectively getting his pants dirtied.

Both laugh at my obvious displeasure and I begin to wonder why I continue to be friends with these people.

After a few minutes of silence filled with passing the blunt back in forth and taking hits, a question which I'd previously thought of renters my head.

"Why do you guys think she transferred here in the middle of the school year?" I ask.

Gray scrunches his eyebrows in thought for a moment, thinking my question over.

"Maybe her family just wanted a change of scenery." Alex offers, his head leaned back against a tree.

"Right in the middle of the school year?"

He shrugs. "People transfer in the middle of the year all the time."

I hum unsurely. "Just seemed strange is all..."

Gray nudges me with his elbow. "You're thinking too hard into it and making it something it's not. Besides, if there is a reason she so abruptly moved then she'll tell us when she wants." He adds that last part strictly. In other words: don't push her and interrogate her like you love to do.

I begrudgingly nod, but I know deep down I wouldn't be doing that. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's pushing people to their boundaries, even if it's just to satisfy my own curiosity. And right now, I'm curious about who exactly Cecilia Oliver is and why she decided to randomly show up in the middle of our year.

.•° ✿ °•.

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