✰ 1. akya

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Jedi Masters, Younglings, Initiates, and Padawans alike bustled in the business that was the Jedi Temple. In the heart of Coruscant's capital city, the stone temple and its five spires stood out across the sun setting, creating an orange aura that fled in through every window. Yet even as dusk approached, the temple was full of liveliness, people of all ages going about their day as it approached its end.

"Akya," called a voice.  The person it was directed at did not seem to notice at all.  In fact, Akya Sagral's face was buried in a book, studying for a test she was not the most prepared to take.

"Akya!" called the voice again, louder this time.  Finally, the brunette looked up.

"What, Kei Lo?"

"What are you reading?"

Kei Lo was an eight-year-old Togruta who was all too curious for his own good. Akya shook her head at his nosiness and closed her book, knowing that at this time of day, she wouldn't get any chances to study for the test tomorrow. That's what I get, she thought.

"I was studying," she said, placing the book on her lap. "But I think I'm finished now."

"Can I show you what I can do with the lightsabers?" Kei Lo was very enthusiastic about lightsabers. He loved play fighting and his favorite things to do were play with the clones that guarded the youngling wing of the temple, showing them all the stances and tricks he could do. He kept a wooden sword in his bedroom for purposes he called "just in case." 

"Alright," she said, standing up. Akya put her book down beside where she was sitting, noting in the back of her mind to come back to it later— sometime in the morning before her test.

Kei Lo smiled and took her hand, guiding her out of the library and down the long, wide hall that ran through the center of the temple.

"Where exactly are you leading me?" Akya inquired.

"The sparring room," he said, not looking back at her.

Akya raised her brows.  "The sparring room, hmm? Are we going to spar?"

"No, silly," said the Togruta.

"Why not? I'd go easy on you." She smiled.

"I don't want you to go easy on me," he said glancing back at her. "I want to train until I can take you on my own."

With one more turn, they reached the doorway to the sparring room. "And what if I'm gone by then?" she asked him, holding the door open as they entered the room.

Kei Lo stopped before he entered, brows raised as he stared at the older student. "You won't be," he said.

"How reassuring."

The sparring room was a round area with stone pillars in four corners of the square design on the tile, where the actual sparring took place. The walls were made of stones stacked in a perfect pattern. On the wall, there were practice lightsabers of all sizes as well as wooden ones with metal handles for the younger kids. Kei Lo took one of the practice sabers off of the rack and took to the floor.

"Will this take long, Kei? I do have things to do."

"What, studying?" he asked with a scoff, walking toward the center of the room. "I thought you were finished."

"I was only finished because you wanted me to be," she explained.

Kei Lo rolled his eyes. Akya was quite sure that he thought she didn't see that, so she decided to just ignore it. "It shouldn't take long," he said. Finally, he stopped in the middle of the sparring floor.

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