✰ 46: endings, beginnings

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"Akya," whispered a voice. The Padawan blinked a couple times then rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling as the light flooded in. "Good morning," said the same voice.

Akya rubbed her eyes, then looked beside her to find her husband's smiling face. She didn't smile back at him, and instead turned away again. "Five more minutes," she said, her voice raspy.

"Nice try," he said, pulling the blankets off of her. "I've got a briefing to go to, remember? That means you have to get out of my room. And you have training with Obi-Wan."

Akya groaned, finally sitting up. She smoothed out her sleepwear and got up, taking her robes into the washroom with her so that she could get ready for the day. Once she was finished and dressed, Anakin was in the room waiting for her. He handed Akya her lightsaber and she thanked him with a smile. "So," she said, clipping her saber onto her belt. "How did you say we were getting out of here?" They were still inside the Temple, and though the dormitory halls of the Temple weren't often full, you would occasionally see someone walking through. They couldn't risk this. Akya wasn't even sure why she agreed to stay in his room for the night in the first place.

"I'll go first, and get anyone out of the hall that could see you, then you rush to the lift once I signal you."

"And what's the signal?"

"I'll engage your comm." A beep would sound from Akya's communicator once he engaged it, even if he didn't speak. 

"Easy enough."

Anakin looked both ways before sneaking out the door, spotting two newly inducted Jedi Knights on their way to the lift.  He walked up to them and engaged in conversation, then after a moment, the three Jedi began walking away from the lift, Anakin leading the way. He seemed to be making his way towards the opposite side of this floor of the Temple, taking the two Knights away from the lift and leading them to one of the meditation rooms.  

Once the coast was clear, he pressed a button on his own communicator which sent the signal to Akya.  She was careful before stepping out the door, but once she knew for sure no one else was there, she took to the elevator.  She pressed the button and waited for it to come up.  A short ding symbolized that it had arrived, but when the door opened, she found her master looking back at her, his calm face turning confused.

"Akya?" he said.  "What are you doing on this floor of the Temple?"

Akya took a step back upon seeing him, trying not to reveal her surprise.  "Master," she greeted, as calmly as she could.  "I, was, um, just taking a look at all the meditation rooms.  I haven't taken good looks at them all yet." Each floor did indeed have one, and it was lucky that this part of the Temple wasn't only dormitories.  "What are, um, you doing here?"

"I came to make sure Anakin was awake.  He's got a—"

"I know," Akya said.  "A briefing.  He's up, I just saw him.  He's conversing with some of the new Knights." She looked back to see Anakin in the distance, opening the doors to the meditation room at the end of the hall and allowing the two young Knights in first.

"I see," said Obi-Wan.  "Well, good.  I was coming to you next.  Are you ready to begin training?"

Akya nodded.  "Always, Master."

That was close.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

"Good," Obi-Wan commended with a hand on his chin, watching his Padawan dance around the room, using her lightsaber to create various fighting forms.  He had taught her these long ago, but as her skill progressed, she took a different approach to these forms, and it always amused him to see where they were now.  "Very good."

𝗙𝗔𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗦 | anakin skywalkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon