✰ 31: the nabooian market

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"So, are we going to eat out?" asked Padme.

"No, actually," said Anakin. "Akya's cooking."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" said Padmé, turning to the Padawan. "I didn't know you could cook."

"I'm not the best," she said. "I learned on Tatooine. I can't make much, more like soups and other small dishes."

"Well, I like soups," she said.

"The thing is, I haven't had a chance to go to the market."

"Well, we could go now," Padmé said.  "It'll be a nice outing.  I can show you all the best stalls." She smiled.

Akya and Anakin looked at each other, agreeing on Padmé's suggestion implicitly.  "Alright," said Akya.  "Let me get my bag, and we can go."

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

"This place is beautiful," said Akya, staring up at the beaded canopies above them, letting the sun in in just the right places and giving a beautiful red hue to the place as the light shone through the Nabooian fabrics.  People bustled all around them, not noticing the senator and two Jedi walking through the crowd, as well as the Astromech following behind them.  Not that they were dressed like a senator and Jedi— Padmé wore a more simple outfit than what Akya usually saw her in, which included a blouse and mid length skirt, with a jacket over the top.  Anakin wore an olive-green top with embroidery all around the neck, brown cargo pants, and his usual boots, and Akya donned a white blouse and some loose pants.

"It's one of my favorite places on the planet," said Padmé.  "The people here are very kind."

"That's good," said Anakin.  "She's not the best negotiator."

"Hey!" said Akya, bumping his shoulder.  "I can negotiate."

R2-D2 beeped in reply to her statement, and Akya turned to face him, scrunching her brows.

"I am just as good as Obi-Wan.  You take that back!"

Anakin and Padmé laughed, and Akya smiled, rolling her eyes.

"Oh!" said Padmé, walking over to a table filled with piles of grains and spices, and woven bags to package them.  "Best grain on this side of Naboo."

The seller grinned. "Thank you, ma'am." He didn't seem to recognize the senator.

"Hey, daddy," said a young girl next to him, tugging at his apron.  All three of them looked down at her, and she looked from her father to Padmé.  "That's Senator Amidala!" 

Padmé glanced at Akya, then back at the seller, who tilted his head, staring at Padmé in confusion.  Once he realized it was indeed her, his eyes widened.  "Your excellency!" he said.  "I'm so sorry, I hadn't even realized—"

"That's alright," Padmé said with a smile.  "There really isn't a need for cordiality.  My friends here are in the market for some ingredients, so I was just showing them around." She gestured to the inconspicuous Jedi, who smiled at the seller.

"Well, miss, you can have all the grain you like," said the seller.  "On yours truly.  I'm sure the happy couple would love to have some free grains for their meals."

"Oh, that won't be necessary, I can pay—" began Akya.

"Nonsense," said the seller.  "All friends of our great senator get free grains. And spices, if you like."

"That's very kind of you," said Anakin.

"It's the least I could do."

Akya took one small bag of grain from the seller, as she didn't need much to make a meal for just the three of them.  She decided the Tatooine food could use a bit of flavor, so she brought home a couple different samples of spices to see what might taste best.  Padmé showed her around more, and Anakin bought her a necklace made of turquoise and brown beads, which he insisted upon. Akya also picked up some broth, cream, and beans to add into the soup, along with various vegetables.

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