✰ 34: seriously, skywalker?

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"Larson and Serafina DeAcula. And this is R2-R9."

"Approved.  You may board."  The droid gave them back their tickets and pressed the button that opened the shuttle door.

Once everyone had boarded, the shuttle took off.  Akya got a nice rest on the ride back to Coruscant.  The trip had been a beautiful vacation from their real lives.  On Naboo, they could pretend there was no Jedi, no Sith, and no war.  They lived a simple life, even if had been for just a day.  A day seemed to be enough.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

"Now approaching the upper atmosphere of the planet of Coruscant.  Local time, 900 hours."

"Akya," Anakin's voice said softly, stirring his wife awake. "We're landing soon."

Akya picked her head up off her husband's shoulder and wiped her eyes, blinking a couple times to get used to the light. "Almost there?" she said.  Anakin nodded.

"When we get down, you go to the front entrance of the temple, and I'll go in through the side entrance, the one by the library," he planned out.  "Then we can go get dressed, and go straight to the briefing, like we were never even gone."

Akya nodded.  "That's good," she said.  "Did you get any sleep, or were you thinking of that the whole time?"

"I got sleep," he chuckled.  "You underestimate my brain power. That didn't take long to come up with."

"Good," she said.

Once they landed, the both of them rushed to their quarters in a hurry to unpack as if nothing had happened, then get back into their Jedi robes and prepare for the meeting. Akya rushed out of her room still clipping on her belt, afraid she might be late. She noticed as she passed a window and saw her reflection that her sun necklace hadn't been tucked inside her top— she did so, then continued her jog to the briefing room. She made it just in time— but didn't see Anakin inside. They begun anyway, talking numbers on arms, munitions, and soldier reserves for the Republic. They'd spoken for about fifteen minutes before Anakin burst through the doors, out of breath.

All heads turned to him, and he took his place beside his Padawan quickly. "Sorry I'm late," he said to all of them.

"It won't happen again, I'm sure," said Master Windu, and he then continued going over the agenda. The briefing lasted close to an hour, and after endless stats over the Grand Army of the Republic, the Separatist droid army, planets that joined the Republic, planets joining the Separatists, new technology in production, and etcetera, they finally got to the assignments, where everyone really began paying attention. Most people had looked bored the entire time— especially Anakin, who hated these briefings in particular. One of the few who were always actively paying attention to these things was Obi-Wan, who seemed to be taking mental notes on everything.

Akya and Obi-Wan were assigned to a crucial Separatist fuel post that needed to be taken if they wanted to prevent their ships from using the nearby hyperspace lanes. According to Master Windu, it was "best if you would take the post instead of destroying it." But he also told them that if destruction became necessary, they had permission to go through with it, since the Republic already had control of a fueling post in the system.

Once the meeting let out, people bustled through the halls nearby. Akya rushed through the doors hoping to catch Anakin before he had to prepare to leave, as he and Ahsoka had been assigned to a more urgent task than her own.

"Skywalker," she called, cutting through the crowds hoping to stop him in his tracks.  He stopped and turned, finding her face in the chaos.  In all the bustling, she stepped up to him and pulled him aside to a nook in the hall, where the stood near a window showing the Coruscanti midday sun. 

"What is it?" he asked.

Akya looked around to make sure no one was watching or listening— no one seemed to be paying attention to two young Jedi like them, and instead, were engaged in other urgent conversations, usually about the war.  "Thirty minutes late?" she scolded, her voice low.  "Seriously?"

"I was not thirty minutes late," said Anakin, crossing his arms.  "More like... ten."

"Fifteen.  And why?  You could have gotten there on time easily."

"I'm being careful," he said.  "If you're on time, and I'm late, we can't possibly have been together."

Akya sighed and shook her head— his ideas had some smarts to them, but they were also just a little impulsive.  "You're reckless, you know that?" she said with a smile.

"I know," he smirked.  "That's why you married me."

"Shhh!" Akya said, looking around, still, no one paid any attention to them.  "Keep your voice down."

"My voice is down."  It was.  Anakin Skywalker's wife was just the slightest bit paranoid. 

She nodded.  "Alright," she said, finishing their conversation.  "Obi-Wan wants to do a meditation session and some training before we head out tomorrow morning."

"And Ahsoka's probably waiting for me."

"I'll see you soon, Skywalker." He began to turn around to leave, then stopped.

"Hey, you can't call me that anymore," he said, pointing a finger.  "We're both Skywalker, remember?"

"Like I'd ever take your last name," she remarked, crossing her arms. 

"Why not?  Your initials stay the same.  Doesn't it sound nice? Akya Skywalker?"

Akya thought about it.  "Akya Skywalker," she repeated.  "Alright, Ani, you win this one."

Anakin smiled. "I'll have Padme put it on the certificate."

"You do that."


"Alright, get out of here, Anakin, your Padawan is waiting!" she said, giving him a push in the other direction.  He chuckled and waved at her, running off toward the hangar.

"Afternoon, Akya," said a voice behind her, calmly and suddenly, making the Padawan gasp.

"Master," she said, turning around to find Obi-Wan's familiar face.  She put her hand on her chest, clutching where her heart rested.  "You gave me quite a fright."

"Sorry," he said.  "I didn't mean to."

"How long had you been standing there, exactly?" she asked.  Did he hear something?  Perhaps Anakin's comment about the certificate, their scuffle over last names? Akya Skywalker?

"Just a moment," he said.  "I waited until you were done pushing away Anakin before I decided to bother you," he smiled.  Akya laughed a little.

"Would you like to get started?" she asked him.

"Let's go," he said, stepping aside so that she could lead the way to the mediation gardens, where they would take their leave for a little while until they decided to eat lunch, then continue training.


this isn't an insanely exciting one but there's some cute akyakin banter AND obi-wan almost catches them. akya skywalker!!! i love my guys they're so perfect.  i finished a chapter today so i figured I'd publish for you.

ily, don't forget to vote!!


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