✰ 5. jedi don't have nightmares

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Akya didn't see him again the next day.  They both needed a bit to themselves, so Akya assumed their time apart was only so that they could soon grow back together, as friends.  But when she didn't see him again the entire week— not even passing in the halls— she got a little worried.  Sure, perhaps he was sent out on an assignment, but what if something had happened to him?

As she walked through the halls of the temple, she noticed Master Windu walking toward her— he would know where Anakin was, if anything had happened. "Excuse me, Master Windu," she called, turning toward him. He took a couple more steps toward her, then stopped.

"How can I help you, Akya?" he said kindly.

"I was wondering if you knew where I could find Padawan Skywalker?"

"Skywalker is out on assignment on Naboo," Master Windu explained. "I don't know if you heard about the assassination attempts to Senator Amidala. He's been tasked with protecting her on her home planet."

"Oh, alright," she said, nodding. She felt very relieved. "Thank you, Master." She was about to walk away when Master Windu added something to their conversation.

"If I may ask.. why did you want to know?"

She wasn't sure if Master Windu was suspicious of them. Perhaps he had seen something, sensed something. But Akya knew how to lie, and she knew how to do it well.

"I have a book he wanted, and I've finished reading it," she said quickly. "But it'll still be here when he gets back."

"Very well," he said. With a nod, returned by Akya, he walked off in the direction he was going before.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

Akya felt pain.  She felt nothing but pain and suffering, and it was an unfamiliar type of pain— something so emotional, so personal.  She ached and tossed and turned and yet she was still unconscious, sound asleep.  Akya then heard a familiar voice call out, "No.  Don't.  Mom, no!" There were faint screams.  Yet, she saw nothing.  Just darkness.  Then, a flash of red.

Akya woke up in a cold sweat.

"Anakin," she whispered.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

"I need to speak with Anakin Skywalker," she said to the Council as she stood on the floor, a rather unwelcome interruption to their meeting.  "I just need a holoprojector."  Akya was frantic. There were dark circles under her eyes and she looked as if someone had died. She had been in so much pain last night, but it wasn't her pain.  It was Anakin's.  Someone had been screaming.  She had to know if he was alright.  But "Younglings" weren't allowed to have personal holoprojectors, and if they needed one, they would have to ask someone on the Council, which just so happened to be in session. 

"We can provide you with this if you give us a reason," said Master Windu.  "You must calm down."

"I had a vision last night," she said.  "I saw nothing, but I felt pain.  So much pain." Her voice shook when she spoke.  "And I heard Skywalker's voice.  And there was screaming."

The Masters glanced at each other, then back at Akya. She hated not knowing what they were about to say.  "Akya," began Master Windu, "with your current connection to the Force, it's highly unlikely that what you heard was truly Padawan Skywalker at that moment, all the way from Naboo."

"I know what I heard, Master.  I know what I felt.  This was not an ordinary nightmare." 

Master Windu sighed.

"Please, Masters." She glanced at them all.  "What harm could speaking to him do?"

Master Yoda nodded to Master Windu. "Give you a holoprojector, we will," said Master Yoda. 

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