✰ 22: blast!

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Akya heard only the sounds of her own heavy breathing. She was injured— bruises all down her legs and forearms. Her wound from the battle just yesterday had opened up and she was bleeding through her robes. She didn't know where she was nor why. But she was cold, dehydrated, and very weary.

Akya tried her best to have hope. She took these solitary moments to try and meditate, perhaps send signals through the Force to Anakin, Obi-Wan, someone, so that they could come and save her. But her effort in these attempts diminished by the minute, and as she held onto her sun pendant just wishing for luck, that someone might notice she was gone, she began to give up.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

"Now listen," began Obi-Wan, as they approached the facility in the dark, following the last of the droids' tracks and the lines from the way they dragged Akya through the snow. Anakin shivered at the thought. "We are not here to take the Main Post. If we tried with such a small team, we would most certainly fail, so for that, we are going to wait for reinforcements. We are here to get in, get Akya, and get out. If any droids get in your way, I encourage you, disable them— but only do what is necessary, and do so as stealthily as you can. We are not here to attract attention. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," chorused Rex, Jesse, and Fives.

Obi-Wan looked at his old student. "Understood, Anakin?"

Anakin half-rolled his eyes— but Obi-Wan didn't seem to notice in the dark. "Yes, Master."

"Good." They approached the building and lined up along the side wall. Anakin volunteered to go ahead and scout the entrance. He stepped ahead of their crew of four, peered around the corner at the door to the basement, then signaled to the team that the coast was clear. Rex, Jesse, Fives, and Obi-Wan nodded, then followed him closely behind. He tried opening the door— but of course, that didn't work. The clones stepped back as Obi-Wan stepped forward and helped Anakin cut a large circle in the door, each of them cutting half. Once the metal was cut, the two Jedi pushed it in with the Force, carefully stepping through and placing it lightly to the side without making a racket. The clones followed them inside.

"The detention level is just above us," said Obi-Wan quietly. "There aren't many cells, and on a planet like this, I don't expect there to be many prisoners. Akya will be easy to spot— our main problem will be getting the codes. It's going to attract some attention."

Everyone nodded. They made their way to an easily accessible lift which took them straight upstairs to the detention level— but to their surprise, the Separatists had made some renovations: they couldn't even access the cell block without the code.  The elevator opened revealing only a hall with a large, closed door, and next to it, the operating systems for the cell block— controlled by two B1 droids.  They immediately turned when they saw the group from the Republic Army.  Before they could get a word in, Rex and Jesse pointed their weapons at the droids, disabling them in only a couple of shots. 

"Anakin, try to get the code," said Obi-Wan.  "We need to get to that detention block."

Anakin nodded and went over to the computer, tapping away to try and decipher the code. Obi-Wan opened his mouth to say something to the men before something started beeping, and a red light blinked just beside the computer. All four of them turned to Anakin.

"What did you do?" asked Obi-Wan.

"I thought I'd make an educated guess before I tried the fancy stuff!"

"Oh, Anakin," said Obi-Wan, putting his hand to his forehead and sighing.

"General," Rex called, looking down the hall to the lift that headed upstairs, and a whole bunch of B1 droids stepping out of it. Obi-Wan sighed again and began deflecting shots as they began shooting at their group.

"Keep going, Anakin. I'll cover you," said Obi-Wan, not looking at the other Jedi, but instead focusing on the blasts being fired at him. "And no more educated guesses."

Anakin nodded to his former master and continued tapping into the system, trying his best to get inside the data so that he could figure out the numbers to the four-digit code. It wouldn't take long, but it wouldn't be quick, either. The algorithm here on this snowy planet was slow, so he had to wait. Of course, he could help it along by typing in number combinations, making sure they weren't the right ones— but that could alert more droids to the scene, and they truly didn't need that. So he let the algorithm run its course and read the data in its own coding. Originally, he had only typed in a code because he remembered one used at a Separatist post in the Outer Rim somewhere— but of course, they didn't use the same one twice. Perhaps his guess wasn't so educated.

In front of him, Obi-Wan dodged shots coming his way while Rex, Jesse, and Fives shot at them, killing them easily in the rather narrow hallway— it could really only fit three droids across. They were doing well, but they were still outnumbered. It was lucky the hall was a disadvantage to the other side.

"I got it!" Anakin shouted, once the algorithm had run its course.

"Good!" said Obi-Wan.  "Open the doors!"

Anakin stepped around the control desk and toward the door, where he put in the code on the small computer by the door. He was greeted by another large group of battle droids, this one now including B2s in addition to the B1s. "Obi-Wan!" Anakin shouted, igniting his lightsaber. The droids began shooting at him. He didn't even get a chance to look at Akya— and he still had to find the code for the cells.

Rex finished off the B1s in the hall while Obi-Wan, Jesse, and Fives helped Anakin with the large group in the cell block. The droids just kept coming through the doors on the other side, and now they were in a wider room. If they were going to get anything done, they had to get over there and close the blast doors.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan as he continued deflecting shots. "We have to close that door!" he shouted to him. The Jedi Master nodded. In that moment, Rex ran over to them, having finished with the influx of droids in the hall.

"What's the plan?" he asked, shooting a B2 in the head and making it fall backward, disabled.

"We have to get over there and close the door," explained Anakin. "Otherwise, they're just going to keep coming."

"We'll cover you," said Rex. "Go." Anakin nodded, and took quick, calculated steps over to the other side, slashing every droid in his way. Obi-Wan followed closely behind and the clones stayed back, keeping a wide view of the situation in front of them.


here's another chapter because i literally am so impatient.  hope you guys like this constant posting. hey, it cures my boredom and my impatience, and you guys get a new chapter. 

love you, don't forget to vote!!


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