✰ 13: ready, steady...

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"Akya?" said Anakin.  Finally, after a moment of standing still, Akya continued walking down the ramp.  She looked at no one but him.

"Anakin," she said, smiling.  She stopped in front of him, but not so close.  Now was no time for any feelings.

"You two know each other?" asked Ahsoka, with a tilt of her head.

"Yes," answered Akya, still staring at Anakin's beautiful blue eyes. "We've met before." 

That was an understatement.

"Akya," said Obi-Wan.  Finally, she looked at him.  "It's wonderful to see you again.  I take it you're my new Padawan learner, or is it another one for Anakin?" 

Anakin rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"I'm your new Padawan," she nodded.  "It is nice to see you again, Master Kenobi."

"I thought we were keeping introductions short," added Ahsoka.  Everyone turned to face her. 

"You're right," agreed Obi-Wan.  "The droids could be back any minute."

Anakin shook himself out of his trance-like state and stopped staring at Akya.  "I'll, uh, check on Rex at the lookout post." He turned around, but Obi-Wan stopped him before he could take a step.

"You'd better take Ahsoka with you," he said with a smile, putting his arm on her shoulder. Anakin sighed, then nodded for Ahsoka to follow him. She did so with a proud grin. Obi-Wan watched them go, the smile still plastered on his face, arms crossed.

"So, how do you think that's going to go?" Akya chuckled.

"He'd make a great teacher," Obi-Wan said. "But he's adamant about the fact he doesn't want to be one."

"Sounds like Anakin," Akya shrugged. "You know, we never really got a proper introduction on Geonosis." She turned to her new Master. "Akya Sagral, Jedi Padawan." That felt weird to say.

Obi-Wan smiled and nodded. "Obi-Wan Kenobi," he said. "Jedi Master."

"You were Anakin's master, correct?"

"Correct," he said. "How did you two know each other? He seems to care for you."

Akya tried to stop herself from blushing. "We were friends at the Temple," she said. "I'd been an Initiate for longer than most. He was good company, when he was around."

"Hmm," Obi-Wan nodded.

"I'm excited to begin our training," she said.

"As am I," he said. He then looked in the distance at a faint electronic noise. Akya's gaze followed his to find a sheer red dome expanding at an alarming rate, coming toward them slowly. "That, however, will have to wait," completed Master Kenobi. "Come."  He walked toward their makeshift center of command, and Akya followed him, finding the clone captain known as Rex, Anakin, and Ahsoka already there, standing around a holo-table and waiting for them.

The hologram showcased a clear picture of the battlefield, from their lookout post to the Separatist's blockade some meters away, slowly approaching. It showed a large bubble where the Separatists' energy shield was located, expanding slowly, but surely.

"They're slowly increasing the diameter, and keeping it just ahead of their troops," said Obi-Wan, pointing out the dome on the hologram.

"Heavy cannons are gonna be useless against that," Captain Rex chimed in.

"As they get closer, I suppose we could try to draw them into the buildings," said Obi-Wan, hand to his chin in thought. He leaned down and looked at the part of the hologram displaying the city that surrounded them. "That might level the playing field a bit."

"If that shield's going to be such a problem, why don't we just take it out?" added Ahsoka.

"Easier said than done," said Captain Rex, looking at the young girl.

"Well, I... for one..." Anakin cleared his throat, reluctant to speak. "... agree with her." Ahsoka looked at her master, slightly confused. "Someone has to get to that shield generator and destroy it," Anakin finished. "That's the key."

"Right then. Maybe you two can tiptoe through the enemy lines and solve this particular problem together," suggested Obi-Wan.

"Can do, Master Kenobi," said Ahsoka determinedly.

"I'll decide what we do," added Anakin.

Akya saw Obi-Wan roll his eyes a bit. "If Rex, Akya, and I engage them here," he pointed to the entrance to the city, "you two might have a chance to get through their lines undetected, here." He moved his finger slightly ahead of where he had just pointed.

"They won't have much time," said the Captain. "The droids far outnumber us, so our ability to street fight is limited without the use of heavy cannons." He looked down on the hologram to find the little hundreds of droids and their tanks approaching the holographic city. "They will march forward under the protection of their shield until they are right on top of our cannons, then they'll blow them away."

"We'll figure out a way," said Ahsoka, her upbeatness contrasting with Rex's gravity. "Come on, Master, let's go." She turned around to go the other way. Anakin stood there with his hands on his hips. He scoffed, then went and followed her toward the enemy lines.

"They make... quite a pair, don't they, sir?" said Rex ironically. "You think they have a chance?"

Obi-Wan turned to Rex. "They better. If they can't turn off that shield generator before it reaches the heavy cannons, there'll be no escape for any of us."

Akya stared at the hologram model of the city. "Well, let's hope they get somewhere, then."

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

The threat of the Separatist army drew closer and closer. Though they knew heavy cannons would be useless against the energy shield, they decided there was no harm in firing them anyway, perhaps hoping in the back of their minds that it may slow the looming threat down. It didn't.

"This shield is certainly putting a crimp in my day!" said Obi-Wan loudly, over the sound of the heavy cannons behind him as he stared through a pair of macrobinoculars. Once he was done, he handed them to Akya. She put them up to her eyes and adjusted the focus, mentally counting the number of droids she saw as she scanned over the battalion. It went so far back she couldn't even make an estimate— but she knew that they didn't have nearly the same amount of troops.

"It's no use, sir!" said Rex. "Even at full power, the cannon doesn't affect it."

"All right, Rex. It was worth a try. Tell the men to fall back." Rex nodded, then walked off. Obi-Wan then turned to Akya. "Lesson one," he said. "Know when it's time for a new plan."

"You're not giving up?" she asked, handing his macrobinoculars back.

Obi-Wan shook his head.

They took to the top balcony of one of the buildings in the city so that when the droids finally approached, they would be inside the shield without being seen. After a minute or two of being crouched down in waiting, Akya felt the transparent red beams cross over the place where they rested, just as Rex walked over to where they were and knelt down.

"We're inside the shield," said Obi-Wan. "Just stay away from those tanks." Rex nodded. Still sitting, Master Kenobi ignited his lightsaber, and Akya followed.

"Ready?" he asked her, slowly standing.

Akya just smiled.


two chapters today bc they kinda go together.  i didn't want to leave you hanging with so little akya last chapter. it's her story, after all. 

ily, don't forget to vote ♡ 

molly :)

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