Chapter 5: Detention

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"Your home.. every midnights"

Ethan eyes widened.


"No way! Midnight of all hours of the day. I can lend you my computer for you to do whatever you wanna do at your place" Ethan said with his eyes widened.

"I can't do it at my place, it's prohibited and midnight is the only free time I have" Annabelle answered.

"Why can't you just do it after school?"

"I have to get to my base first, really important"

"You can do it during lunch, the school own computers too"

"I'll be reading during lunch" she answered.

Ethan was already going crazy. "You can't just go to a guy's place in the middle of the night! Do you even know what that means?"

"Your questions are getting too much, where do you stay?.."

"You think I'm going to tell you?" Ethan raised his brow.

"Hey you!!" A teacher called from a distance.

Ethan let out a breath of relief spotting the teacher. Finally! Annabelle stared at the teacher walking towards them without an angry look.

"Come with me Annabelle, you are in trouble" The teacher said.

The School chancellor stared at Annabelle with her finger below her chin. She is a slightly chubby woman, her aura is professional.

"Hurting your fellow students is a very big offence in the school" she said.

"I didn't hurt them, I only taught them a lesson" Annabelle replied. If she had the thought of hurting them, then she'll be using daggers not her hand.

"That is wrong Annabelle"

"They were the one who tried to bully me first. Teaching them a lesson is the right thing to do" She said.

"You were the one who started the fight" The chancellor said.

"Let me guess. You've discussed with Patricia before me. Then my words to you is just trash since you've believed what you want to believe" Annabelle voice came out sharp. For a moment the Chancellor felt like she was talking to a person older than 16. How did she know Patricia had made her complains before?

"Are you saying Patricia was the one who started the fight?"

"I don't think my explanation is allowed. You've made up you mind already Mrs Laura" Annabelle said.

"That's detention for a whole week" Mrs Laura said.

Liam just finished using the toilet. Just as he was about to head towards the cafe a hand dragged him in a office.

"What the.." his remaining words sank back in, seeing Mrs Charlotte naked before him. He was pinned against the wall.

"Hey handsome" She whispered drawing her face close to his face.

"I told you I can't do this anymore. What if we get caught. I'll be so fucked.. can you please stop all these?" Liam sighed in frustration. He tried to push her away but couldn't.

"You should have thought of that when you came into my office and seduce me" she raised her brow.

"I was drunk, I drank something I shouldn't. I told you that a million times" he said.

"I don't care, all I want is your cock right now" She said grabbing him down there.

Liam got hard on.


Jennifer couldn't help but think of why she sometimes act strange around Ethan.

"Hey!" A voice snapped her out of her thought. She turn back just to see Bastian and two other seniors.

"What do you want Bastian?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"I just need to talk to you. You've been giving me cold shoulders. Do you know what it means to date a senior in school?" Bastian said.

"Oh fuck off" She shook her head and made to walk pass him.

"C'mon Jenny. There a lot of benefits. Be my girl!!" He yelled after her.

Girls at the hall way couldn't help but say hateful words at Jennifer. How could she reject one of the hottest guy in school?

"That was cool" A voice made her halt. She was wearing a hoodie with a cap placed backward on her head. She act like a tomboy.

"Selene?" Jennifer eyes widened. "It's been two weeks girl, you've missed a lot!" She scolded.

"Woah! Wait! Don't bite me. I gat a lot going on that's why. Damn I love the way you rejected Bastian. That guy is a son of a bitch.."

"Words, we are in school" Jennifer said and continue walking.

"I need a favour"

"I'm not lending you my books" Jennifer answered her unspoken word.

"C'mon!" Selene groaned out. "Ah, right, I heard there's a new girl in school. Where's she?"

"You'll know her yourself once you see her" Jennifer replied. She stopped when she found Ethan and Liam walking towards them. They were both chatting and laughing.

Jennifer heart skipped a beat as she watch him walk towards their direction in slow mo. His lips, nose and jaw was just too perfect.

"Ah, you still have crush on him. Why can't you just tell Ethan?" Selene said.

"Shhh" Jennifer glared at her.

"Tell me what?" Ethan asked Selene.

"That..." Selene made to speak but Jennifer hit her chest using her elbow causing her to gasp.. "that I'm so glad you see you" Selene said with gritted teeth.

"Here comes our gangster" Liam said.

"I told you not to called that" Selene glared at him.

"You behave like... Ahhh" Liam yelped when Selene jumped and pulled his hair. "That hurts!"

Ethan chuckled while Jennifer stared at him with a smile on her face. She look away when he made to look at her. "I'll be leaving early today" he said to her.

"Why? You're not eating with us after school today?" She asked.

"Yeah, I have something to do" Ethan said. His main purpose was to avoid Annabelle.

Meanwhile Annabelle was in detention. She was staring at the teacher calmly. They call detention a punishment but to her it was like a staring contest. She focus her gaze on the teacher.

The teacher assigned to look after her started feeling weird with the way Annabelle was busy staring at her. She swallowed, wondering if this girl before her would ever blink. this would be her first time meeting a student which have such an aura. She could hardly look away from her.

She check the time and wish this can end Sooner. It seems this detention was made for her and not the student.

"It's time, you can leave" She voiced out when she couldn't take it anymore.

"It's remaining five minutes. The Chancellor asked you to make sure I complete my time here"

Five more minutes feels like five hours to the teacher. She is never doing this with this student again

Finally it was time. Annabelle stood up from her seat causing the teacher to sigh deeply.

Annabelle found the school almost empty. She didn't even get to see Ethan. He left without giving her his address. A car stopped before her and Scar wine down the window.

Jennifer saw this.

"She's weird" she muttered with a small frown on her face.

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