Chapter 25: She's mine

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"How about now?" He asked lightly.

"It's gone" he heard her whispered. He raised his hand to her hair an pat it lightly.

Ethan wish to know who she is but sadly, she isn't opening up to him.

"What was it your heard?" He asked.

"I... I can't remember" she replied honestly. She was sure she heard something but was surprised she couldn't remember it. She shifted and broke the hug.

"Can I borrow your laptop?" She asked.

"It's yours" Ethan replied. "But you haven't get to know it that well..."

"I'll bring it back" she cut in. She is going to have more time in her room.


She stood on her feet and grab the laptop.

"You're leaving now?" He asked standing up too.

"Yes, I'm sorry I couldn't stay for long. Thanks for today" she said. She was getting good with her words already.

"Fine I'll miss you" He muttered knowing, when she leaves, he'll feel lonely. Annabelle didn't know what to say. He walked close to her and kissed her forehead lightly, her cheek burn red. "Goodnight"

"Bye" she smiled before jumping out the window with his laptop. She land on the floor with a light thud, then gave him a smile before leaving.

Ethan watch her leave and a sigh escaped his lips. "She could have just use the door"  he muttered.

In the cold street, a car stayed around a corner as the person in it watch Annabelle zoom off with her black bike. Bringing out a cigarette in his pocket, Ricky light it up and began to smoke dangerously.

Getting to back to her place, Annabelle storm into her room and set the laptop. She heard some footsteps, and quickly hide it again.

Her door opened and Bianca walked into her room.

"I guess everyone in the clan is rude enough not to knock before entering" Annabelle spoke sharply.

"'I've come to check on you. It's been a while Annabelle" Bianca said but didn't get a reply from the girl. Her eyes scan the room. "So how is school going" she asked.

"Good" Annabelle said lightly.

"That's great to know, I'm sure Lord Smith will be happy to hear it once he gets back" She said.

"What do you want?" Annabelle asked knowing this woman can't come into her room without a purpose.

"Have you been taking your drugs? The weekly ones" Bianca asked.

Annabelle expression changed for a moment. She had forgotten. It's a drug given to her by Lord Smith for her to be strong. She had been using it since Forever and never missed a doze but she haven't take it this week.

"You didn't?" Bianca asked when the girl was silent.

"Since there is no mission, I decided not to use it for now" Annabelle said.

"Mission or not.. you are to use it, take it right now.. I want to see you use it" Bianca demanded.

Sighing, Annabelle went to grab the drug and bring a doze out. She grab a bottle of water and place the drug on her mouth before swallowimg the water.

Bianca got satisfied when she saw this happened. "Good girl, have a nice rest" she said lightly before leaving the room.

Immediately the door close, Annabelle spit out the drug, she had pretended to use it. The drug triggers the devil inside her, and she wants to be around Ethan. She threw the doze one side and went to keep the laptop in a safer place. Today might not be the good time for it.

Ethan couldn't sleep so he decided to read a novel hoping he'll fall asleep as time goes on.

He suddenly heard a strange noise down the stairs. Is his mom back? He drop his book and stand to check it out. He had locked the door so the only person who can come in was his mother.

"Mom?" He called out walking down the stairs. The light in the house was dim, and it's empty. His eyes widened when he realized the door opened.

Someone broke in.

In the next moment he found his head pinned against the wall in a viscious way, his lips bleed from it.

"Fuck" he cursed under his breath.

Ricky have an evil grin on his face. He finally get this motherfucker. "I gat you" he spoke dangerously.

"Okay, who the fuck are you?!" Ethan asked through his gritted teeth. The guy push his head against the wall harder and Ethan groaned out.

"There's no need for you to know who I am.. stay away from Annabelle" Ricky growled.

Annabelle? This guy knows Annabelle? He could sense how dangerous and powerful he is. Why is Annabelle connected to someone like him?

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said only to have his head pinned on the wall the more

"Don't you lie to me boy, I know everything, stay away from her she's mine" Ricky growled again.

The word 'She's mine' made Ethan's face turn cold.

"Yours? You know what, fuck you. I'm not staying away from her" Ethan said stubbornly.

"Oh really" Ricky remove him from the wall and shoved him down to the floor. He pinned Ethan's hand behind him almost breaking it.

"Ahhh... Stop!!" Ethan exclaimed. His anger was slowly creeping in.

"Say that again, I'd love to disfigure you"

"Stop, you're hurting me!!" Ethan yelled again. The night when his father was killed flashed before him. He was pinned the same way. His dangerous side slowly creep in.

"What were you doing with her huh? I've been in her life through out the years, waiting for the time when I'll make her become my girl and you think a son of a bitch like you can just take her away? She is mine" He heard Ricky said.

The last thread of Ethan's patient broke when he heard those words again. He surprised Ricky by lifting himself up with his second hand. He turn himself around and then use the same hand to punch Ricky on the face, causing him to stagger but not enough to make him fall.

"What the..." Ricky brow curve down the more as he watch Ethan stand up on his feet. His eyes were cold and deadly making him wonder if Ethan is still the guy he had pinned moment ago.

Ricky wipe the small blood on his lips and smirked dangerously. "Now this is the fun I'd love to have"

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