Chapter 22: Butterflies

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Ethan sat on a chair outside school. He just fought with his two close friend. What is wrong with him? First was Jennifer who still haven't spoken a word to him since morning and then he had a fight with Liam.


He looked up when he heard the voice.

"Hey" he greeted back and rest his back on the chair.

Annabelle sat beside him. "Why are you alone?" She asked.

"I'm not" he replied and gave her a smile. "I'm with you"

"Don't fla...

"Flatter myself.. I know. I'm getting good with your words now Belle" he said.

This is the second time he will call her that name which feels a unique.

Annabelle pulled out a chocolate from her pocket and gave it to him. "I don't know what is wrong with you but I hope this helps you feel better" she said.

Ethan collected it from her. "Thanks" he smiled and stared at it. Annabelle stayed seated not knowing what to do. This weirdo look sad, how pathetic.

Something clicked on Ethan's mind and he look up with a lit smile and face Annabelle.

"Hey, wanna do something exciting?" he asked.

"I don't think we define the word exciting the same way, but I'm ready to hear yours" she replied.

"Come with me" He said holding her hand. Annabelle was getting used to it already.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I'm taking you somewhere"

While the class was going on, the teachers noticed two people absent. Ethan and Annabelle. She asked for them but no one knows where they went.

Jennifer knew what it means. Ethan and Annabelle are definitely together.

Liam also noticed. His eyes met with selene but she avert her gaze immediately.

Ethan lead Annabelle down a hall. Hearing some footsteps, he quickly drag Annabelle close and hide. It was a teacher passing by.

Annabelle whole body stiffen. This is the closest she had ever been to anyone. Her head was rested on his chest as he watch the teacher pass by.

Ethan also noticed and quickly disconnect himself from her. "Sorry I was just trying to hide us"

"Why are we hiding?" She asked.

"We are sneaking out of school and I don't want us to get caught" Ethan replies still holding her hand tight.

"And you think this is a good idea?"she asked.

"I've done this before" he replied as he continue to lead her.

"How many times?"

"Seven, and I was caught four times" he shrugged while Annabelle shook her head in disbelief.They spot another teacher and hide again.

"Teachers hardly comes here, why is today different?" Ethan mumbled staring at the male teacher who is on the phone. "Shit, he is heading towards us" he said. Just before he could reach them, he stopped and walked the other direction, disappearing out of their sight.

"Thank goodness" he muttered. They got to a fence. "Can you climb?" Ethan asked Annabelle in between his hard breath.

Annabelle didn't reply, she jumped and climb the fence wall Swiftly.

"Right, you do climb up to my window. I'm stupid to ask that question" He mumbled.

"Hey!" Their head snapped to the voice direction and they saw a security walking towards them. "Tssk" Ethan smirked and climbed the walls too. Landing on their feet, they came across another security. He is chubby with a hamburger on his hand.

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