Chapter 67: Her dream

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The sun rose up already, Annabelle stayed kneeled before the dead man before her. Her expression was unreadable... The truth is, she doesn't know how she is feeling at the moment.

"Isadora" Jennifer called gently but the girl didn't reply. Instead Annabelle slowly lose conciousness and her body fall to the ground.

By the time she woke up, she was in the hospital having some pipe connected to her body.

"The bullet has been removed and of course she'll be able to use her leg, it's just going to take a while" She heard the white man on robe said.

"Belle" Ethan's voice sounded beside her. A smile appeared on her lips immediately her eyes met with his. She sat up and hugged him, not minding the pain on her arm.

"I'm glad you're okay" She muttered. She had been worried about Ethan..

"You slept for a whole day Belle, how do you feel?" He asked.

Annabelle broke the hug and then stare at him. "After seeing you, I feel great"

"Baby" Mrs Serena muttered and went to hug her too. She was getting used with contacting people. "You're the strongest girl I've ever laid my eyes on" she muttered.

"Thanks mom" she muttered.

Liam and Selene too gave her a hug. Surprisingly, it didn't feel weird, not even a bit.

They all chatted for a while before Annabelle remembered something. "Where's Jennifer?" She asked.

Ethan sighed before replying. "She left the hospital not too long before you wake up"

"Why?" Annabelle asked.

"I went to get you chocolates" Came a voice behind them, they all turn their head to see Jennifer standing with chocolate drinks.

"Ethan said you love them so I decided to buy them before you wake up" Jennifer said. She felt awkward a little. She took slow steps towards Annabelle and they both stared at each other.

"I.." Jennifer decide to speak first. "I just wanna say I'm sorry for been a jerk and a horrible person. All I wanted was to find my sister and my friends but I did it in a wrong.." she paused and exhaled. "It's fine if you don't forgive me but I.. I'm glad you're okay"

Others were just silently watching the scene.

Not getting a reply for a while Jennifer sighed and look down to the floor. She had expected this anyway but Annabelle's next word shocked her.

"Can I get a hug?"

Jennifer looked up to Annabelle's face again. Her face was stun, unsure if she heard her correctly.

"Can I get a hug?" Annabelle asked again.

Jennifer's eyes teared up immediately and she ran to hug Annabelle tightly. She began to sob.

Annabelle eyes teared up too and she slowly lift her hand slowly to hug her too.

"I'm so sorry Dora.. I'm glad I found you" Jennifer sobbed hard on her shoulder. She felt Annabelle's arm tighten around her and could hear her light sob.

"Jennifer" Annabelle muttered, closing her eyes as more tears pour down.

The door opened and Carson stepped in. Jennifer broke the hug with Annabelle and they both look at him.

Annabelle bit down her lips. She can't believe she is staring at her father.

"Isadora" Carson muttered as he step forward to her. He reached for her hand and his eyes welled up with tears.

Annabelle nodded with a smile and Carson pulled her for a hug.

At Brilliant high. Daniel shut his locker door but found Patricia staring at him.

"Uhm, can we eat lunch together?" She asked politely, her heart pleading for the guy to say yes. It's been three days she had been trying to get him.

"Why should I?" Daniel asked.

"Because I love you" Patricia replied straightforwardly.

Daniel's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't help but fell for her all over again.

"But... I" he paused staring at Patricia sad, cute expression. Can he keep pushing her away, when he knows how badly he wants her. Beside she had apologize severally and had proven to change ever since that party.

Daniel reached for her hand and yanked her close to him. He slammed his lips on hers.

Patricia eyes widened at his gesture.

Pulling away, Daniel asked. "Apology accepted" he smiled.

Patricia's cheek burn, and she immediately reconnected their lips again. They kissed there, as if their life depends on each other.


Annabelle could finally walk. She wish to leave the hospital soon but the doctor said she needs to still stay.

Ethan appeared and kissed her lips lightly before sitting beside her. He draw her close by her and Annabelle rest her head on his shoulder.

"Guess what" Ethan said.


"You'll be getting discharged tomorrow"

"Really?" Annabelle grin happily and Ethan nodded. "Why haven't you leave the hospital yet? I feel bad on how you kept missing school because of me" she pouted.

"It's fine.. I wanna be with you all the time" He said and her smile got wider.

Peter walked towards them and they both look up.

"I need to talk with Annabelle, alone" He said.

"I don't trust you" Ethan said giving Peter a look. He still doesn't like Peter that much.

"It's fine" Annabelle held Ethan's hand. He made to protest but she pecked him on the cheek. "it'll take a while"

Ethan stood, he gave Peter a hard glare and left the place.

Looking outside the large transparent glass. Annabelle stood beside Peter as they watch the city before them.


"Call me Annabelle, I lived in that name" She replied without giving him a look. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I have an opportunity for you to join the armed force. My mom says that was your dream when you were young. I have a lot of connections, all I need is your approval"

Annabelle looked at him with shock. "Really?"

Peter was a bit surprised with her reaction. "Yeah.. you're strong and I'm sure you'll get to the higher rank before you know it" he said.

"I'm not that strong" she muttered.

"A 16 years old girl who faced the most dangerous Mafia don in the country.. Tssk.. I think you are very strong for me" Peter said. "You defeated him Annabelle"

"Not alone, I wouldn't have done it without you and others. Thanks Peter" she said with sincerity

Peter could only smile. Thus he lost a lot of men and a friend Daisy. She was buried in the morning.

"How long will I be away for military training" Annabelle asked.

"Five years" he replied and Annabelle's eyes widened.

"What?!!!" Ethan exclaimed and Annabelle bit down her lips hard, she look down to the floor. "5 years without you, how am I going to survive?" He asked.

Annabelle looked up with guilt on her face. "It will be over before you know it.. I promise"

"I hardly go sane, without seeing you for a day. Five years is too much" Ethan complained.

"We'll talk on the phone everyday and make videos. I promise" Annabelle said and Ethan sighed.

After dwelling over it for a while, Ethan finally agreed to it. It's her dream, he can't be the one to hinder her from fulfilling it.

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