The Curse of Khufu and Chay Ara

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When man his empires first had made
And other men he deigned enslave
To till his fields and hew his walls
Erecting works that overawed

Was Khufu made a royal scribe
In pharaoh's courts where man did bide
To measure lands the farmers tilled
When after Nile's banks it filled

So every year his proper pay
The king of Egypt's surely gave.
No joy he took in such an act
But still the man collected tax

To save his life from Pharaoh's blade
As many other men were gave.
But Chay who's Egypt's current queen
A favor grant from Khufu deems

That when he goes from court to fields
To measure that years current yields
He takes a message down to kin
The queen herself would present send.

And Khufu feared the pharaoh's wrath
Should man complete this royal task.
For king from fields this woman stole
To make her play a queenly role

And should he hear his present act
For sure would Khufu meet the axe.
But still the queen did press her will
And dire need to scribe instilled

So Khufu does as woman bayed
And took her news where kin were laid
So back and fourth he couried words
And soon the pairs own hearts were stirred

So love did bloom by task he's grant
Thought time their gave was very scant.

So love did bloom by task he's grant Thought time their gave was very scant

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