Don't touch the phone!

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When her brother came home from remedial, Mindy warmly ran up and hugged him. Out of excitement, Mindy announced, "Kor, I'm a participant of the Integrity Game!"

"That's good," Jarius replied. "I can afford a few minutes, so we'll done. But May I politely warn you, it's going to be tough. I've been through that, so has Mum and Dad. It's going to be tough. Only 2% of the play population win all the rounds. Be the first one in this family to win."

"I will. Thanks."
"A phone is the player's biggest trap," the boss bit discussed. "We made a mistake to put it for the last round last season."

"Make it the first one!" The sidekick bot stated. "That'll ensure we can eliminate half the players!"
When Mindy returned to her room, she was about to start her revision, she suddenly felt the ground give way. Falling down, Mindy then realised: it was her call for the first round of Integrity Game.
Joined with 499 other contestants, the boss not welcomed the competitors sadistically, before introducing the first round's theme—phone.

Basically, the competitors have to face a challenge testing their Moral Believes with a phone. Any phone. For some contestants, the phone in question will be "caged" in a special container, and players cannot remove the phone for any reason, unless it was needed.

As there weren't any questions for the hosts,
Everyone fell off the room floor and returned to their original location.
Mindy had her challenge started first thing after returning to her room. She received a text from her parents, reading:
Dear Mindy, sorry for not saying earlier but today we have two events to attend. Please do you revision and violin practice. Do not use your phone; we can monitor your screen time.

Immediately, Mindy's phone fell off her hand and was caged up in a container. Thankfully, the container was designed such that Mindy could still respond to urgent notifications.

Leaving the container as it is,'Mindy started doing her English revision. For a moment, Mindy got a little distracted and wanted to play a rhythm game. However, she remembered the Integrity game and her parents' message. She pushed the thought aside and skin enough an hour into her revision, she didn't want to play the game.

She could always start from Day 1 again.

Two hours later, Mindy finished all her revision. Packing her school bag, Jarius passed by her room and saw her getting her bag packed. "Not going to do a multilive?" Jarius asked.

"Don't even think about that," Mindy warned. "Mum and Dad can monitor our screen time through their iPhones. Speaking of that, I'm doing the Integrity Game now. You can join me." Jarius handed his phone to Mindy. Placing the phone inside, Jarius left, he didn't have to think about his phone anymore.

Taking out her violin, Mindy set up her violin stand and music score. Getting into her position, Mindy enthusiastically played all the pieces in her scorebook, each piece sounding better than her previous round of practice.

She stopped just in time for dinner, where Jarius cooked up a delectable bowl of beef stew. Seasoned with pepper, the duo tucked into a hearty meal, sharing interesting insights about their day.

Now that Mindy was done with everything, she decided to pursue her hobbies. Wanting to work on her final episodes of her doll series, Mindy headed back to her room and fished out her campus notebook. Looking at her annotations, Mindy worked intensively on her script for an hour.

After that, Mindy remembered her handicraft idea she found her Pinterest. Thankfully she printed it out. (Remember: she absolutely cannot use her phone) Getting her materials out, Mindy followed the tutorial for her own phone case in her heart. (She hated her original one)

Considering she didn't have technology by her side, you may assume Mindy made a trashy phone case but she didn't. It was two hours worth her time, but the final product was her proudest.

Just then, the keys jangled. Mindy rushed home to welcome her parents, who smiled at her. "Looks like Jarius is sleeping," Mrs Tan remarked. "But you made me proud. You didn't touch your phone at all. Proves to me you followed our instructions." Mrs Tan wiped off the paint on Mindy's cheek. Giving a cheeky smile, Mindy showed her phone case.

"Pretty!" Mrs Tan commented. "Hubby, we face her approval to do this, right?" Mr Tan nodded aggressively.
Just before going to wash up, Mindy realised her phone wasn't caged up. Transferring her new phone case onto her phone, Mindy went out and secretly slipped Jarius' phone into his bag.
The next day, Mindy skipped to school, ready to show her friends her phone case. However, early bird Mindy reported to the Clubroom before everyone else did. Just then, she heard her phone beep. Fishing it out of her pocket, Mindy read the message:

Congrats #001. You passed the first round.

Jumping with joy, Mindy cheered, "I did it!"

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