Kasumi or Values?

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"I just spent so much money on this computer," the boss bot whined. "Let's ddd if the remaining contestants can do it. There are 50 contestants left anyway."

"Yea," the assistant bot quipped. "The next theme should be money again."
That same day, Mindy and Jarius finished their revision at the same time. "Mum let me have a short break. She said I can have my phone, as long as I used it before dinner," Jarius explained. "Wanna do a multilive?"

Before Mindy could respond, the ground gave way and Mindy fell into the room.
This time however, the basement felt emptier than before. Everyone must have fell for the 'prank.' The bots rolled in, all ready to introduce the next round of Integrity Game.

The fifth round's theme is money. The players will deal with a problem that needs money. As it is mainly for game items, it would be difficult. Nevertheless, Mindy still wanted to do her best.
Returning back to her room, she apologised, saying she had to go for briefing. Jarius accepted it, as he went through the same thing as her. Both of them plonked into Mindy's bed and got their phones ready. After their daily log-in, they got ready to go  scouting. When Mindy saw a scouting with her best girl Kasumi, Mindy bounced on her bed...until she realised she was out of paid stars. As if running out of paid stars wasn't any worse, she was saving up for the next in game event.

"I used all my paid stars and I'm saving up for that event with an Aya-Lisa pairing too!" Jarius groaned. "How do I get my ideal Lisa card??"

"Mum said she won't pay for your paid stars until PSLE is over," Mindy replied bluntly. "Don't make the payment with her card."

The truth was, Mindy was really tempted herself. Mindy always wanted that card, but she had to wait for a few more weeks to get it. For a moment, she forgot all common sense and went to her parents' room.
That day, Mindy's mum was careless enough to leave her wallet on her. Since Mum was out buying dinner for the duo, she had carelessly stuffed some money into her pocket.

Mindy reached her hand but stopped herself. Her mum would definitely find out. Whether if it's the position of the wallet changed or a cashcard gone, she would get into trouble. Big trouble.

She could possibly get her mobile data plan cancelled.

No point for one card that hasn't even been released into her game's server.

Forcing a reluctant smile, Mindy closes the door.
"We both would get into trouble if we paid for stars," Mindy advised. "Better not. Mum will get bankrupt if we keep paying for frivolous stars. May this be a lesson for both of us."

All of a sudden, Mindy's moral flower wilted. Performing the teleport spell," Mindy winked and reassured, "I'll be back soon."
In Divine Battlefield, Mindy and her friends faced their villains as usual. "You will not get away in my presence!" Mindy screamed.
Pressing their Virtue Brushes on their Virtue Pacts, the mirror within reflected their civilian looks. Taking out their hair accessories, the girls yelled, "Go, Moral Fusion!"

Mindy formed a heart shape with her hands and her top formed. Turning around, Flora's silver wings and blue dress firmed. Judy tapped her legs, forming her red ballet shoes. Finally, Alice raised her head, forming her purple ponytail. All their pacts were kept in their pitches before they posed.

"Sending a big heart, I'm Guardian Kindness!"

"Giving my best in everything I do, I'm Guardian Effort!"

"Telling the truth no matter what, I'm Guardian Honesty!"

"Believing that I can, I'm Guardian Optimism!"

"Sing our morals! We are the mystical moral guardians!"
Knowing there was no time to waste, Mindy began the action. Shoving all her teammates aside, Mindy jumped up and drew a heart with her hands. Launching the pink heart, Mindy yelled, "Kindness Heart Glowing!"

That was when the rocks came rushing to the girls. Tightening her body, Flora blew up her Sapphire Shield to protect her team. All the rocks bounces in the shield, and the shield once again deactivated itself.

Ready to defeat Peter, Judy passionately pulled out her red baton ribbon. Twirling it flamboyantly, she yelled, "No matter what, the truth will be uncovered! Honesty Baton Swirl Flamenco!"

To end off, Alice ran forward and performed the most complicated stunt one could perform. Landing perfectly with her legs on the ground, Alice then sparkled magical powder on her hands. Forming a star shape with her hands, Alice yelled, "Optimism Attack Shining Variant!"

With Lily sparkling unconsciously and Peter strangled, everyone mustered confident smiles. They were ready to perform their finishers.
Throwing all eight Moral Badges in the air, the badges were lined up based on when they were earned into the air. Using her key, Mindy unlocked the chest and the badges fell into the chest.

Grabbing one spoonful of magical powered, everyone stood in a line. Releasing the sprinkles one by one, everyone chorused, "Our powers unite with colour! Rainbow Rush!" The rush of rainbow instantly defeated all of the villains.
Thankfully, Mindy's parents weren't home when Mindy returned. Realising Jarius wasn't doing any lives, the duo engaged in their own multilive with three other people.

The duo managed to master Roselia's Fire Bird with Expert full combo. Wanting to reward, they checked their character's album to see what existing cards they could get.

They didn't have to worked up over no paid stars and cards that weren't even released. They could get cards in the free scouts after all. Going for the free scouts, they managed to acquire a few new cards.

Realising they could be honest and still get what they want, they smiled pleasantly at each other.

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