Bad Grade

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"Now," the boss boy wondered aloud. "Grades is such an unused topic. Why don't we challenge the player's integrity with their grades?"

"Yea!" The assistant bot announced. "It's their test season anyway. And I doubt many players did well in their tests."
"张老师 (Zhang lao Shi) is going to return our mock tests later," Flora groaned. "I think I flunked. Even a top student like me couldn't figure it out. I didn't finish the paper!"

"You know what's worse?" Judy lamented.

"张老师要我们拿试卷回家给父母签名!"the girls chorused in agony. (Translation: Ms Teo wants us to take our test papers home and let our parents sign!)

All of a sudden, Mindy fell off the ground and a hole opened on the floor. "Mindy!" the other girls screamed. In the air, Mindy blankly stared in the air, not sure what was even going on.
Once again, she landed at the place she was the previous day. This time, however, there wasn't as many oriole as there was the previous day. Turns out those players were eliminated!

The theme of the second round is "Grades." The players will need to deal with a challenge were their grades are involved. Whatever they do, they must not torment the mark or parents signature. After all, the rules were explained, the students headed back to their original places.
She returned in time for her Chinese class. Lugging her school bag to 4-2, she assembled with 张老师getting trash for class.

As she settled down in her seat, 张老师 knocked the pile of test papers in the table. "I will be returning the papers right now," 张老师 declared. "This class has a generally disappointing performance. You guys have so much potential. The highest was 月恩 (Flora), but she only scored in the 70s. Now, I'll return the papers from highest to lowest."

Although Mindy was 2nd in class, Mindy still felt she had so much more potential. She was in her early 70s, but typically she was a late 80s student. Looking at how frustrated the duo were, Stacey suggested them to use their correction tape and change the mark.

Trapped by Stacey, Mindy took her correction tape and attempted to change the mark. Realising Mindy wasn't behaving according to her values, Flora hurriedly took her hand away, reminding her on Honesty again. Thankfully, Mindy didn't correct her mark.

Her parents looked through all her test papers.

They would find out.

As they went through their comprehension, Mindy realised her answer wasn't correct but she felt it was. For a moment, she snuck out her red pen from her coloured  pen collection. However, she remembered Flora's reminder about Honesty, and her role as Guardian Kindness.

Guardian Kindness didn't need kindness alone, she needed all her values.

Instead, Mindy flagged out her question to the teacher, who managed to spot her mistake. Indirectly, she helped the class clarify their doubts and she didn't try.

张老师 ended class a few minutes earlier, so the students were packing up and having a few minutes to themselves. As Mindy revised her music score as usual, she slogged something odd from the corner of her eye.

Flora was concentrating intensely under her table. If Flora was catching up on a romance novel, Mindy would have ignored it. However, she was changing the mark! Wanting Flora to get her act together, Mindy grabbed Flora's hand and passed her an eraser. "I would rather have no phone than no trust," Mindy reminded. "Don't feel discouraged, remember you are always first with effort and honesty.

Flora teared up and looked at her mark. Definitely it wasn't her best but she was honest (almost always).
After school, the girls walked home with their usual route. None of the girls made a noise, especially Mindy. She had only two more obstacles — getting home and facing her dad who worked half-day.

"I'm not going home," Alice declared. "All my privileges will be taken away if I do."

"Get real, Alice," Flora chided. "Your dad will only do it if you didn't do your best. But here's the thing—you did and you improved. By 5 marks."

At the moment, each of their Moral Flowers wilted. "Girls, let's start!" Mindy instructed like clockwork. "Kindness!"




"The four values that take us far!" Mindy pointed her hand to form a mystical door.

"Let's go and fight!" The girls dashed into the mystical door.
In Divine Battlefield, Lily smirked at the Guardians. "So you girls went to cheat your way out of your bad Chinese grades?" Lily scoffed.

"We won't!" Mindy replied loudly.

"We will admit it our parents!" Alice screamed.

"And put in more effort in our revision!" Flora finished.
Pressing their Virtue Brushes on their Virtue Pacts, the mirror within reflected their civilian looks. Taking out their hair accessories, the girls yelled, "Go, Moral Fusion!"

Mindy formed a heart shape with her hands and her top formed. Turning around, Flora's silver wings and blue dress firmed. Judy tapped her legs, forming her red ballet shoes. Finally, Alice raised her head, forming her purple ponytail. All their pacts were kept in their pitches before they posed.

"Sending a big heart, I'm Guardian Kindness!"

"Giving my best in everything I do, I'm Guardian Effort!"

"Telling the truth no matter what, I'm Guardian Honesty!"

"Believing that I can, I'm Guardian Optimism!"

"Sing our morals! We are the mystical moral guardians!"
To start the fight, Mindy and Flora reached their hands, performing Kindness Shoot: Upgrade. Their swifter reflexes allowed the villains to be in a daze. However, it wasn't long before the villains recovered from said daze.

Peter summoned a rush of rocks, ready to ahoy off his new move. Defender Flora did her duty like clockwork, using her two shields to block the asteroids. Her move was so strong the asteroids flew out of the battlefield!

Reaching their hands out, Judy and Alice held them for a moment before they let go. Jumping up at the same time, the girls summoned their Celestial Rods concurrently!

"Optimism Attack Shining!"

"Honesty Baton Swirl!"

Their new attacks defeated the villains effortlessly.

"Let's do that again!" Mindy suggested. "Our own rainbow!"
Throwing all nine Moral Badges in the air, the badges were lined up based on when they were earned into the air. Using her key, Mindy unlocked the chest and the badges fell into the chest.

Grabbing one spoonful of magical powered, everyone stood in a line. Releasing the sprinkles one by one, everyone chorused, "Our powers unite with colour! Rainbow Rush!" The rush of rainbow instantly defeated all of the villains.
Teleporting out of Divine Battlefield, Mindy checked the time on her phone. "Thank goodness," Mindy admitted. "My dad wouldn't kill me. I'm going!"
When Mindy came home,'she apologised to her dad for the delay. (Said she went to the toilet at the void deck) Sitting down for some local cuisine, Mindy ate silently before finishing her mouthful and owning up to her not-so-good mark.

To her surprise, her dad replied, "But you tried your best and didn't tamper the mark, and that's what matters. It's just a mock. We could always work on your Chinese."

Mindy smiled warmly at her dad, and he did so too.
After lunch, Mindy got a notification on her phone, it read: Congrats, #001. You passed the second round.

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