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"Much as this was from peer pressure," the producer lectured. "this kind of behaviour is unacceptable! Bringing down the name of Star with your rash actions! As a result, your debit has been postponed by two weeks as you are banned from entering the premises during that period!"

Judy nodded meekly, rushing out of the producer's office tearfully. An attempt to accompany Alice for a party got her into deep trouble for her group. She should have known earlier.
Tearing the invite into pieces and stomping on them, Alice's father screamed, "Is this my revenge?"

"Yes!" Alice declared. "I hate you so much! I can't choose what I watch, what I download and you're obviously treating me like a toy doll!"

At that moment, Alice's father slapped Alice across the cheek. "You're lucky your sister didn't die! It was just burns on her hand!"
His parents lectured Jarius in the living room about his apparent lack of discipline. As a result, Jarius' phone was confiscated for the rest of the exam period, and he was out of bounds from any gadget. Bursting into tears, Jarius charges to his room and sobbed for hours.
Wiping the mess on the countertop, Stacey's parents got into a shouting match across the mansion. For a moment, Stacey was yelled at by her parents and for the next, the maids. In other words, Stacey didn't have a really happy birthday that year.
Flora's mother finally listened to Flora. Realising Flora didn't do anything reckless, she repeatedly apologised to Flora. For once, Flora accepted her apology.
Although Mindy didn't do anything wrong, she couldn't shake off the feeling either. Darren changed her life altogether, making her overcome her fear of sports and her awareness weakness. As a result, Mindy has become happier as a result.

She wished she could ask her brother to give her Dick's number but she couldn't. She witnessed everything in the living room, so forcing things would lead to the same result. This time, Mindy went with the flow of things to see how things work out. Just as she was about to do so, a text came in from "Darren":

Hello, I'm Darren's twin brother, Dick. Do you know my brother?

Immediately, Mindy replied yes. The duo exchanged information, before she agreed to visit him the next day.
The next day, Mindy arrived in the club room even before Flora did settling down, it was no sooner before Mindy had to get up on her feet. Reaching her hand out, Mindy chorused, "Kindness! The value that takes me far!" With a mystical door, forming in front of her, she entered that door.
Upon entering Divine Battlefield, Mindy noticed just Flora was with her. "Well, let's do it," Flora replied expressionlessly. "Those two deserve their punishment."
Pressing their Virtue Brushes on the Virtue Pacts, the mirror within reflected Mindy's civilian look. Taking off the rubber bands, Mindy and Flora yelled, "Go! Moral Fusion!"

Putting on lip gloss, Mindy's lips shine and she makes a heart shape before her top is shown. Flora taps her feet and forms her blue carnation footwear. Mindy and Flora make a turn before their hair changes style and shape. After their Virtue Pacts were kept in their pouches, Mindy introduced, "Sending a big heart, I'm Guardian Kindness!"

"Vowing to give my best in any way, I'm Guardian Effort!" Flora continued.
Both of them felt that fight would be the shortest but longest fight in their lives. Nevertheless, they did it before, and will do it again.

Knowing her defense role won't cut it this round, Flora attempted some attack. Summoning her canon on the spot, Flora clicked the button once before screaming, "Let my effort be your wake-up call! Effort send!"

Happy Flora overcame her fear for sports, Mindy face Flora a thumbs up. She performed a series of forward handsprings, before grabbing Peter by the collar and throwing him down.

As usual, Lily summoned another rush of rocks. "All for one, one for all," Mindy and Flora chorused. "Our shields will defend the world! Heartful Sapphire Shield!" Mindy eventually left Flora's hand and almost went to defeat Lily when Flora stopped her,

"Mindy..." Flora admitted. "Can you let me do the physical combat?"

"Yea," Mindy replied. "It's time you need a chance."

Summoning Flora's canon on the spit, Mindy drew a pink heart. As the heart fixed with the bullet, Mindy and Flora held hands, doubt whatever they could to keep the heart in the air. "Kindness Shoot!" They yelled. With their bond stronger than before, Lily and Sin Doll were defeated instantly.

Detransforming, Mindy and Flora ran hastily into the mystical door.
After school, Mindy got all her things and went to the hospital. With all her Guardian Friends in tow, Mindy explained where she was going. (Since she didn't have club) Stacey, who happened to be passing by, asked if she had to go.

"Obviously," Mindy retorted. "You caused this mess." She walked off coldly afterwards.
To be continued

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