Never broke a promise

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"Many players were defeated whenever we use Promises as a theme," the lead boy analysed aloud.

"So why don't we use that as this round's theme?" The assistant boy suggested. "There are 150 players left. Let's eliminate half of them."
On Saturday night, Mindy was cleaning up after another filming session. Just as she was about to review her video, the floor gave way and Mindy fell through.
She landed...back in the same room as before.

The boys welcomed everyone back to the third round of challenges. The new theme was "Promises." The players need to promise an adult they'll do something by the end of the day, and they have to do so, no matter how difficult it seems.
The next day, Mindy was eating the egg sandwich her parents made for her. "Mindy," Mrs Tan instructed. "By the end of the day, could you get Tiara a tiramisu cake? She wants it, but her parents haven't gotten the chance to get it for her. Do it before 7.30pm please."

"I will, no matter what!" Mindy sweared.
It was difficult, but Mindy eventually bought the cake.

In the morning, Mindy did her revision as usual. However, hardworking Mindy was so immersed in her studying that she forgot the tiramisu cake. She wanted to buy the cake after that,but was reminded by her violin teacher she had to practice for a total of two hours daily.

Not wanting to overexert herself, Mindy practiced all her piece for an hour at absolute perfection. Sweating heavily, Mindy had hen had her lunch before Judy texted her to go to her place.

After informing her parents, Mindy left eagerly for Judy's house.
Judy and Mindy and had a lot of fun at Judy's house. They talked about their crafts and watched a movie. By the time they finished both activities, it was 4.30 pm.

"Mindy, want to watch another movie?" Judy pleaded.

"Another day," Mindy replied firmly. "I need to do this for Tiara. See you tomorrow, I guess."
It was not too late. When Mindy got out of the bus to the nearest bakery, the crowd has not formed and there was ample tiramisu cakes. Mindy, having brought some money, managed to pay for he Tiramisu cake.
As the cake shop was near Tiara's home, Mindy walked just next door. Eagerly running up, Mindy enthusiastically knocked the door.

When Tiara opened the door, Mindy passed Tiara the cake. At first, Tiara was dazed before she recovered her senses and wrapped her in a warm hug. "So you remembered it," Tiara admitted. "You didn't break your promise."

"Never will I," Mindy confessed. "I was busy so I only managed to get the cake just now. And it is tiramisu. That flavour wasn't sold out."

Finally letting go of each other, Mindy and Tiara bade farewell. As Mindy gently closed the door, she put on her shoes, but not forgetting to hear an important exchange of words.

"Mum! Mindy did bring the cake!"

"Good, she's a friend worth keeping."
Walking to the bus stop calmly, Mindy smiled to herself. A warm feeling embraced her as she stepped on each step. A warm feeling embraced her as she stepped on each step. Keeping a promise always made Mindy happy, but she never felt this happy. All of a sudden, her phone rang. It was a message from the organiser. It read:

Congratulations, #001. You passed the third game.

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