Book 9 facts

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1. Page count: 58
2. This book is a play to famous K-drama Squid Game, but changed to fit the context of the book
3. The inspiration behind Chapter 87-90 (Secret Party Plan: Part 1-An Intangible gift) was Dhar Mann's video "Nerd throws a party behind parents' back."

3.1. The alcohol poisoning was inspired by the ending of "The Yearbook Committee."
4. The game Jarius and Mindy were plating in Chapter 86 was Bang Dream Girls Band Party.
5. "Kasumi or Values?" was initially about getting cards they really wanted with a  method that didn't money but the content was changed to fretting about cards that had yet to be released into the game, both for drama and flow.
6. The sequence of Celestial Kindness Heart Glowing in "An Intangible Gift" was reused from the final saga of another story: MHA X GOTM: Two Heroes, notably the face off between Mr Sin, Twice and Mindy.
7. The dress Kasumi Toyama was wearing in "Kasumi or Values" is the slides dress for the card "Studying Together."


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8. Mindy's rare sarcastic side revealed Mindy's Bandori game name
9. In a morbidly comedic sense, Alice actually reference Toy Doll by Mia Taylor in chapter 89.
10. This is the first time since Book 1 that in the process of writing, the pages almost ran out.
10.1 While writing the facts, there was just 1 page left.
11. Chapter 83 ("Bad Grade") drew inspiration from the time the author got a bad grade in Chinese

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