Chapter 3

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It seems like the days was longer at home. I had to stay home from school these past few days not that it mattered.
James can you help me? Leah asked annoyed about her homework. She sat at the kitchen table while i swept and mopped.

No don't baby her! My mother yelled. "She can do it her damn self! Read the shit and fuckin do it!"

It's hard.

Girl you bouta piss me off! Do it and you better not get it wrong.

But I don't understand.... I can't read?

You can't read? Are you stupid? (She snatched the paper from her.) If you have 5 apples and you add two how many do you have can you read that?

Umm 6?

Oh you wanna be funny? You think you funny Leah! She snatched her up so quick. She stripped her from all her clothes tying her hands together and pulling her outside to the back porch. "Maybe this will help you learn to count and read!" She tied a brick to her hands and threw her into the garbage can filled with ice and cold water out in the snow. The brick was weighing her down drowning her.

After a while Leah didn't come up she reached in to grab her by her hair and Aleah choked and gasped for air. She let her suffer back to back to back before she took her out. She left her tied together wet and freezing cold on the back porch.
She yelled at me and sent me upstairs to my room.

I cried so hard once i got to my room knowing there is nothing i could do to save my sister. She almost died in front of me.
I woke up to shuffling around the room. I looked up and Derrick was fumbling around. It's been 5 days since I seen my brother. I know it was the middle of the night so he had to just be let out "TheRoom"

Derrick? I called out to get his attention.

Hey baby bro! He smirked coming over to me. He was fully clothed with his jacket and hat on.

What are you doing?

Look James I love you, I can't protect you or Leah if I'm still here...

What? What are you saying?

I'm saying I have to go!

Go where?

I don't know....I'm leaving but once I get settled I'll be back for you and Leah! You hear me. I'll be back.

I'm coming too!

No you need to stay here. Look after Leah! I'll be back for the both of you.

So that's it? That's it? Your just gonna leave?

I have to I can't stay here no more. I'm gonna get right and get some help and I'll be back.

Stay we are stronger together Derrick.

I'll see you around kid! Tell Leah I love her! You got this your the man now! He got up and went over to the window. He took his book bag and threw it out the two story window. He looked me in my eyes one last time as he had a leg out the window. "I love you baby bro you are a warrior, a king, don't let them break you! Your strong! Fight everyday if you have to!" His last words he said to me before jumping out the window.
I ran over to the window and the snow broke his fall. He grabbed his bag and ran for his life down the cold dark street. I let the silent tears roll down my face as his footprints covered by the snow and he disappeared into the night.

I walked downstairs quietly both of my parents was sleep and Leah laid in front of the fireplace naked sleep.

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