Chapter 6

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How was it? Quan asked me passing the blunt.

How was what?

Nigga don't play dumb! You left the club with Bri the other night how was the pussy? Cause yo ass needed some!

Still valid! Shit did not go right when I left yesterday morning.

What happened, you fucked up already?

Fuckin told her that I fucked somebody else in a way and she went fuckin crazy. Kicked me out in shit. One minute we talkin bout our feelings then the next I'm out the door.

Wow you a dumb ass nigga! All you think about is her! And you fucked it up. Cali is all the way in Atlanta fuck that bitch. You love Bri and let's not pretend that like that ain't the reason why you came up here.

It ain't!

Then what is? Don't say that nigga Woo cause we could been slid and popped his ass months ago.

He is the reason we here so shut the fuck up.

Look Jay you my dawg so ima only say this shit once. Get yo bitch back while we here! I'm tired of you frontin like you good and you just some hard core ass nigga and you don't need a bitch or no pussy. You was falling in love with that girl and not for nothing she fitted a lot of characteristics that you have and want in a wife.

Fuck that, I don't need shit! I took a long puff of the blunt and passed it to him.

When you gone settle down Jay? Or you just gonna let the only actual person that loves you to death slip through your fingers or are you gonna do what you gotta do in order to get her back and be happy? Cause by all means you let her go your gonna be sitting here for the rest of your life wondering why you can't find the love of your life!

Is we gone kill this nigga or sit here and keep talking about my love life that I don't give a fuck about?( I took one more puff of the blunt and got out the car.) I pulled my gun from my back, putting one in the head. I was here for one thing and one thing only and that was to kill Woo bitch ass cause he finally came out of hiding. Nigga was better off just offing his self.

I had my guys on him at all times once he was spotted. Niggas like Woo couldn't go without pussy so it was easy to use a bitch to get to him.

"Pulling up!" A text came to my phone. I put my hoodie on and got back in the car. "Turn the car off!" I said putting my gloves on. My truck was blacked out and we sat in front of his room outside this motel. A car pulled up next to his and this bitch got out with him driving. She was a hoe I paid to get to his ass and he went for it. They kiss, hugged and flirted all the way to the room. I gave it a minute before I began.

You ready? Quan asked putting his hood up.

Yup!I got out the car and peaked through the window and his clothes was already off he was getting some head. I kicked the door in and it flew open. He reached for his gun and I shot him in the hand. I screwed my silencer on and walked over to them smiling.

You can get up now sweetie! I smirked. I reached in my pocket s d threw her a band. His I'm fuckin caught face this bitch set me up made me smile. She got up from the floor in a cradle position. She smiled getting up and grabbing her purse to walk out. I gave Quan the signal and he shot her in the back of her head.

No witnesses! I smirked and shrugged my shoulders.
"This time you ain't rising from the dead!" I shot Woo 12 time's emptying my clip. I shot his ass in the face a few times he wasn't even recognizable! His bitch ass mama was gonna have to have a closed casket funeral. His body looked like Swiss cheese and I was completely satisfied.

We left the motel and I went up to my office and rolled up another blunt. By the end of the week I was out of here.

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