Chapter 5

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Soooo what happened with Mr. Fine ass? Lexi asked as I came into the break room.

Nothing! He has someone else.

What? The way y'all was outside kissing outside the club you'd think he went and took you to poundtown and the licka sto.

Well he took me to miserable town on got me fucked up lane! Can we not talk about this! I'm over it, I'm over him!

Your not over him you love him!

Why does everybody tell me what I am. I hate him, I never wanna see him again. So him and whoever the fuck she is can have the most amazing fuckin life together! I yelled pissed off slamming my papers onto the table storming out.

Once again I found myself spiraling down. I felt like shit! Why the fuck do this keep happening to me. I wish he never showed up. I rather just kept thinking about him and not met let any of this be my reality. And now all I can hear in my head is Quan saying "He's gonna hurt you again!"

When I got off work I went straight to the bar. All I wanted to do was drink and drink until I didn't feel nothing anymore.

5 shots right now, line 'em up!

Okay miss bossy! You must of had a bad day at work.

Bad day! Bad life! Bad everything! 5 shots come on!

So what happened last night when you and lover boy left?

Do you ever mind your business Joe? Like seriously!

Do you remember when you first came in here and you sat in this very spot and vented and I told you, you was in love with him?

What's your point, 5 more come on!

My point is your acting like that again and I've been watching you become a drunk. A hot mess now tell me what's wrong!

You ever love someone so much that all you get is butterflies when you think of them and see them. But then they turn around and tell you they're seeing someone else after the fact you just had sex with them all night, after your poured your freaking heart out to them. And now you're spinning out of control and a desperate mess cause all you want is to just be okay and to stop thinking about them!

Owe girl you love that man bad! Why are you sitting here go get your man back!

That's not my man! He never was! I been sharing him since I met him.

Is this seat taken? Some guy asked sitting next to me.

No! I smiled. He was kinda handsome.

Can I buy you a drink?

No she doesn't need anymore.

Yes I do! I'll have crown and apple.

You heard the lady!

Hey do you wanna have sex with me?


Do you want to have sex with me? I asked smiling grabbing my drink and getting up.

Hell yeah!

Don't do it she's just drunk and tryna fill a void to make herself feel better when in reality she's gonna feel like shit once she's realized what she did save yourself! Joe said annoyed.

I'm good! He pulled a $100 dollar bill out his pocket and dropped it on the bar. "Following you!" He smiled.

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