Chapter 22

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You need to hurry up and get the fuck out of jail your bitch is going on a date!

I don't have no bitch bra! I said into the phone laying back on my bed.

Yes you do! You suppose to end up with Bri and she going on a damn date. Her ass done became my sister over these past few months and do you know who it's with?!

I don't give a fuck about who she's going on a date with! I've been stuck in jail on some bullshit if her ass wanna go on a fuckin date let her! She not my bitch! I yelled into the phone.

It's with Mitch!
I took a deep breath and looked at the phone.
"You hear me? Mitch from Miami!"

Bra I don't give a fuck, fuck her!

You don't give a fuck about the girl that's helping you keep yo shit going?

No! No the fuck I don't! Fuck her! Worry about getting me the fuck outta here! I yelled hanging up. I was so pissed off right now. I got up punching the wall. I punched it harder and harder and harder until brick was chipped off.

Fuck! I screamed.

I need to get out of here, I need to fuckin get out of here!

Calm down Mr. Carter! A CO yelled coming to my cell.

Nigga fuck you! I spat. I punched him in his face and started beating his ass. All I saw was red and this was the best way I could take my anger out but as I was beating his ass I imagine it being Mitch which made me even more mad because I shouldn't care about him taking her on a date.

I was bum rushed to the ground and cuffed. I was dragged to the hole and thrown into the cold dark cell. Three CO's came in and started beating my ass. I was cuffed so I couldn't fight back.

I felt like that helpless little boy who got beat on by his dad and put in that dirty ass old cold room with no blankets, no food or water. I felt like I could t breathe and for a second my life was over.

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