Chapter 5

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He's been sitting like that for hours rocking back and fourth like since this morning type shit just staring into space! Quan said as he walked into the room. He had Banks behind him.

She must of told him! Banks said low and in a whisper.

Who? Told him what?

Banks walked into the room and kneeled down to Shooter. "Hey Shooter can you hear me?" Shooter sat there rocking back and forth still ignoring everyone. "I'm working on her case I'm gonna get her out okay!"

He won't say nothing! What the hell!

You either need to get him to a psychiatric ward now or keep him locked in this room. Banks said standing up.

Your not locking me up now fuckin where. I laughed standing up. Fear entered his eyes. I grabbed my gun off the table. "I'm fine!" I laughed hard.

James, I'm talking to you as your uncle and not your lawyer! You need to be checked in before you end up making the wrong move.

I already have! I laughed walking out the room. I fell to the floor as my back stung.

"Help me get him up!" Banks said frantically.

Fuck did you just tazz him for? Quan asked in a panic.

Brionna was raped and severally beaten in jail he's went into a state where he's not going to come out of cause she must of got in contact and told him now do you want him to kill everybody in this world or do you want to get him checked in. Banks yelled helping Shooter up off the floor. "Sorry nephew this for your own good!" Quan rushed and helped him
Pick him up and they carried him to the car. He was passed out as they drove to the hospital.

I need my nephew on a 48 hour hold! Banks said to the receptionist. "Off the books Linda!"

Mr. Banks we can't keep doing off the books for him....

I'll have 10 thousand waiting for you when you get off work. Off the books please! And he needs a straight jacket.

Okay fine!

Thank you! Call me when he snaps out!

The nurse took James up to a solid floor and put him in a straight jacket and then to this room he always goes to.

Mr. Carter do you know where you are?
He ignored her.

Mr. Carter do you remember me?
He ignored her.

Mr. Carter I'm nurse Linda your at General Hospital okay, I'm gonna let you sit for a while then come back and check on you sweetie. Look you can do this you can get through this and snap out of this. Your gonna be alright!


How many times have he been here? Quan asked confused. "And your his uncle?" "Why the fuck have I never known this?"

Quan relax! James is far more dangerous then anybody knows. I met James a very long time ago. I was a juvenile lawyer at the time, i was assigned to his case after he kilt his father. When he was a kid his father beat him so bad it messed him up. One time he literally held him up by his shirt in the air and punched him so hard out his hand he fell to hard he cracked his skull. He's had bleeding on the brain and swelling for years this caused mentally and psychological problems that he was never able to get fixed that messed up his Prefrontal Cortex, which he can't really make right and wrong decisions so he can't really make the right choices....

That's why it's hard for him to make decisions like to kill and not to kill like common sense shit? Nigga almost killed a child and it literally pained him he still thinks about killing this kid for some shit that happened over 2 years ago.

Yes! You understand!

Damn that's fucked up now I see why it's such a struggle.

It is....that part of his brain is like shut down and has all his wires crossed that's why sometimes if he takes a long time to speak or it seems like he's out of it it's because his brain is trying to figure out how to rewire its self.

Damn.... So like how do we fix this shit?

We can't he has to wait it out. What they did to Brionna is what triggered this shut down episode he's gonna go through a psychiatric breakdown which is why I just admitted him if he was to be let out while all this goes down this whole city might just go up in flames.

Wait back this shit up did you say this nigga killed his father?

Unfortunately he did he was 10 going on 11...

And you got him off?

It was speculations that he killed him but yes I got him off. He ran away from home as cps and the police was trying to remove him and his sister from the home, struck an officer and all. He got caught shortly after he's been in and out of jail since. I've been helping him since then I tried to take him in under my wing which is why I call him nephew. When he's in trouble I'm who he trust and come too. I'm only telling you this Quan because your his bestfriend and when he comes out of this he's gonna need you!

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