Chapter 11

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I sat in my living room on the floor looking at all my drugs and money. Going on 48 hours of no sleep made me powerful and I just wanted to get straight to it.

A knock at my front door made me jump out my thoughts. I took all of the drugs and put them in a bag. I opened the door and my brothers stood before me. "Hi!" I said acknowledging them.
They where a bit confused on why I asked them to come over right away.

Whats up? Quan asked as they came in. I shut and locked my door.

I need help! I admitted.

With what? Trey asked.

Look I don't forgive y'all or anything but y'all are the only ones I can count on and I need to assemble a team. (I walked over grabbing the bag and dropped everything on the table.) long story short I was able to get my hands on this and I know it's more where this came from. This can bring us in Millions. If you want to help me thank you and if you don't then you can leave.

I'll help! Trey said nodding his head.

Quan? You?

I guess....

Good now it'll be some ground rules. Y'all work for me! What I say goes! I'm the one with the connect. There's a few spots up town and on the east side that's nobody territories we can claim ours. It'll generate money but it may take some time. This is some of the best quality out here I know this cause it's the same as Shooters.

How did you get his connect?

That's neither here or there just know I got it and I'm running this ship!

When you wanna start? Trey asked.

Tomorrow! Meet me at our stash house. Ima cook it up and get it ready. We hit these streets tomorrow! I walked over to my door and held it open. Trey walked out first and Quan came towards me.

Are you sure you want to get into this seriously?

I do, I did, and I am.

Okay, see you tomorrow! He walked out the house and I closed the door. I put everything away in the closet and hid it. I made my way upstairs to my room to shower.

I had so many thoughts running through my head but that didn't stop me from falling asleep at all.

I woke up early as hell to get my day started. I needed to get this shit ready and token to Quan so he had Shooters drugs and can get them down to the workers in Atlanta and Miami then I could focus on me, my main priority.

I dressed in some light blue jeans, a white button up shirt with a Jean jacket and my white and tan sperrys. I did my make up to a light beat and let my hair hang down curly. I looked like a kid but i was cute. I put on diamond earrings and a diamond necklace. I grabbed my baby blue Birkin and put my phone, wallet, gun and keys into it to leave out.

I made my way into the trap and up to Shooters office. When I opened the door to my surprise a bitch and Quan was in here cackling. It was shorty from the jail, the bitch, his bitch, his wife!

I need my instruction plan! I said annoyed walking to his desk.

Oh Bri have you met Cali....

His wife, yeah we met! She said interrupting Quan.

Unfortunately yeah we have met. (I smirked and by the way Quan just looked when she said wife I knew it wasn't some truth to that.) "Quan when are you going to Atlanta? I have the shipments ready!"

I talk to Shooter and he told me to wait cause i have to take care of his legal things. You can give everything to Cali and she can take care of it down there.

I dropped the bag onto the desk in front of her. "I need updates on how shit is going every three days."

And you are? I don't have to update you on shit, business down there is just that mine and my husbands whatever you think your doing up here that's it that's all.

Bitch I don't know who the fuck you think you talking to but In case you haven't noticed with yo bum ass is that I'm running this shit. He put me in charge so like the fuck I said I want an update every three days or I can just come down there and see for myself.

Yo, yo , yoooo hold on y'all! Look Cali you just update me and I'll pass the update along. Either way it goes Shooter has to be notified of what's going on in the A.

Man fuck all that y'all heard what I said. I grabbed the envelope with my name on it and snatched my purse off the desk. "Oh and Quan have my money by tonight!"
Fuck outta here what I say go! I don't know who a bitch think she is. Wife or not he asked me to do something I'm gonna do it and that's final. Next thing though I ain't seeing shit through nigga you got a bitch in the game you do it.

I pulled up to our stash house and my brothers was waiting for me. I dropped everything on the table. "Let's get to work!"

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