The Beginning Of The End

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        February 5
369 years after Eden
              The Land of Wind

The heavy rain turned to snow as the temperature dropped rapidly. The frosted windows rattled, threatening to shatter as the storm outside the castle grew worse. It had been a cold day in Anemone and an even colder night and for some, the night had only just begun.

The resounding clash of thunder pounded her eardrums, stirring the lone woman awake from what only seemed like a dreamless sleep. Quickly, she regained her bearings and noticed the small puddle of bright crimson she laid in. Noelle Sitorious had never felt more exhausted in her life... or more terrified.

It wasn't the distant rumble of hurried footfalls raging beyond her birthing chamber that made her heart pound painfully in her chest or the distant shouting of those fighting and dying outside her window that filled her with fear. What occupied her mind was her missing child. Her precious baby taken by a cloaked assailant mere minutes after his birth.

Ignoring the gushing wound in her chest she began to will herself off of the floor. She was no fighter, never held a sword a day in her life though she was stronger than most. If it wasn't for her persistence then it was definitely the Lycan blood that ran though her veins that got her to her feet. Her body had been in chaos for the last nine months as the baby had made demands of her both physical and emotional energy and on this day, February 5, the culmination of those stressful months had reached its peak. Every ounce of her strength had been funneled into bringing her child into this world. It was a grueling task, a hellish nightmare and though she struggled to victory, in the end she had lost.

She was a mother without her child.

A second clash a thunder sounded, she winced as pain exploded in her head, the force of the blow nearly causing her to trip over her own feet. She had to get out of there, she had to find her child.

Memories flashed through her mind, as she made her way to the door, lingering on the cloaked woman that had slipped into her once guarded room. She was no ordinary human, Noelle could sense no mana coming from the cloaked woman who wore a veil to hide her face. The blade she used was also not ordinary, the wound it made in her chest was still open and bleeding when it should have healed by now. Dark veins were beginning to seep from the penetrating wound, she had no idea what it meant but didn't have time to dwell on it, she would use all of her strength to ensure that she stayed in this world long enough to see her child returned.

Sabastian. She had to get to him. More than anyone in the world, Noelle trusted her husband.

Tears burned her golden eyes as she stumbled out into the corridor, avoiding the bodies of the fallen Anemone knights that once guarded her room. It seemed whatever threat they were facing had drawn everyone outside, using the wall as leverage, that's where she headed. Though she hadn't made it far before she heard the sound of footsteps behind her.

Turning weakly, she met the gaze of a masked figure quickly approaching her. Her heart raced in her chest as panic set in and in the midst of deciding what to do, she stumbled backwards unable to stand upright any longer. They reached into their cloak and pulled out a dagger ready to attack her. She clenched her eyes shut and waited for the odd yet familiar feeling of a blade penetrating her skin but it never came. She blinked her eyes open only to see that the masked assailant had come to a halt, dropping their dagger as they were impaled with a sword. The body dropped and she glanced up at the one who saved her life.

"Sebastian." She breathed, struggling to her elbows as he charged towards her.

Her husband wore the fierceness of his battles. His face was serious as always, his brows furrowed, his mouth flattened into a hard line, his sapphire eyes that sometimes seemed to hold so much kindness and compassion were hostile until they landed on her fallen form.

The GuardiansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora