History Repeating

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The Land of Fire

The streets teemed with life as dancers twirled amidst flickering torches, and the air resonated with the beats of drums and laughter.

Together they wandered the crowded streets coming across multiple different stands. His eyes glowed with excitement as he eyed the cotton candy stand. He tapped Daemon's shoulder before pointing.

The two approached the stand and Daemon ordered two sticks of cotton candy. While they waited his eyes wandered, taking in the lively scenery and something else caught his eye. His brows furrowed as he began to wander towards the small makeshift stage at the center. There was a play unfolding, a retelling of past events involving... Guardians...

"Cyrus" One actor spoke. "You must stop this, it isn't right, it isn't you!"

"I've begun to see things more clearly, Ezekiel... everything I've done... I've done because it was necessary."

"No. This isn't right and you know it. Killing innocent people, turning against your own family was all of that considered necessary?!"

"Everything I've done..." Nolen whispered.

"Everything I've done..."

"I've done for them..."

Watching the actor portray the history of the Guardians filled him with a sense of remembrance and... foreboding. He knew the history of Guardians well yet this story in particular was never mentioned much. Cyrus was a cruel king towards the end of his reign, he would murder innocent people with his bare hands and send knights to bloody the streets of Anemone... the things he did would never be forgotten and would never be forgiven. His reign of terror lasted for four years before Ezekiel Alistor finally put an end to it...

"You leave me with no choice, Cyrus..." Ezekiel said as he drew his crimson sword and as fast as lightning, he impaled Cyrus with that very sword straight through the heart. Ezekiel caught his friend before he could hit the ground. He held him in his arms as he took his final breaths and then... he was gone.

With that the play ended. He stood motionlessly as the actors stood and bowed before the crowd but he just couldn't shake the weird sensation he felt deep within his bones.


He jumped away as Daemon placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You shouldn't wander too far away from me." He said sighing. The boy whispered a quick apology before looking him in his eyes once more.

"Did you see?" He asked and Daemon turned to face the stage.

"The play?" He questioned and Nolen nodded. "It's actually a very popular retelling because after everything Ezekiel Alistor was seen as a hero to all of the four realms." He explained but that hadn't lightened the other Guardian's mood.

"Do... do you think history will ever repeat itself? Will we end up like them one day?

Daemon's gaze softened as his eyes traveled back to Nolen, his eye reflecting the flames dancing nearby.

"History... has a way of echoing through time," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom from those who had come before him. "But we are not bound by the mistakes of our ancestors, Nolen. It is our choices, our actions, that will define our legacy."

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