The Coronation

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                                 June 29
                         The Land of Wind

It had been the day of his coronation and he was just arriving home. He was going to be late he just knew it as he rushed through the unusually quiet halls of Avolire castle and to his chamber.
He rushed inside to find his caretaker Alice. Startled she turned to the boy.

"There you are!" She exclaimed. "You're late." She said as she marched over to him though before he could argue she embraced him. "I missed you..."

Valor jumped around the room happily and she finally seemed to notice him.

"And who is this?" She questioned.

"Uhh... his name is Valor. He's my direwolf." He said smiling up at the blonde woman. She opened her mouth to question it but shook her head as she decided against it.

"I must get you ready and to the throne hall." She stated and dragged the boy over to the bath that awaited him.

She quickly undressed him before dunking him in the water and as quickly as he went in he got out before being dried and dragged over to the valet stand where his coronation robes hung. The robes had been sapphire blue with golden thread that outlined the rode and the country's crest in the center.

He was dressed in a hurry but his caretaker Alice had been sort of a perfectionist so he wasn't allowed to leave unless she thought that he was ready to face the crowd of people that awaited his arrival.

He walked around the room so that Alice could see every inch of him and Valor followed him like the pup he was. When she deemed him ready she opened the door and allowed him to walk out.

"Do you remember your lines?" She questioned as they quickly walked the halls.

"Uhhh... yes?" He answered though he hadn't practiced since he left home. Alice glared at him. "I only have a few... I'll make do."

"I hope you will... this is a very special day Nolen, you should take this more seriously."

"Yes, I know Alice." He said and they stopped before the doors of the throne room.

"Once we're inside I won't be able to stand by you... are you ready?" She asked and he nodded his head firmly before he lost the courage to.

The doors opened before him, revealing what might have been hundreds of people awaiting his arrival. He walked down the aisle as confident as he could, taking a deep breath as he soon approached the steps that led to the throne where the archbishop stood waiting.

A pillow was placed in front of him, he knew he was to get onto his knees so slowly he began to lower himself onto it. He looked up at the unfamiliar man as he began to speak. For about ten minutes most of his words went in one of Nolen's ears and out the other until he began directing them towards him and a large book, known as The Chronicle, was brought out and held before him. He placed his hand onto the book as the man above him spoke again.

"Naito ta sou proptmos lerós paírpere omi órtum?" (Is your majesty willing to take the oath)

"Ego ímai promtmos." (I am willing)

"Tha seívos epísmiter promichesi aurtem iuramai kotòs kyvere omi anthropulus tūo omi girra tūo Anemos?" (Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of the Land Of Wind)

"Ego epísmiter promiches lerōs théno étsi." (I solemnly promise to do so)

"Tha seívos lerós ta suo potensia caustía nólex aurtem iukaiostia nè éleos lerós lenōs supplitum nè omnis kríseis?" (Will you to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments)

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