Means To An End

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February 9
        1 hour earlier...
             The Land of Wind

Sebastian Sitorious sat at his desk analyzing reports and requests made by the people of the realm. He shared his son's white hair though he inherited eyes the color of sapphires from his ancestors. He was a very quiet man, who rarely showed emotion.

Sebastian's hand moved on its own as he signed each form and document, though his mind was elsewhere. He thought about the kingdom and its future, a certain knight's strange behavior and finally he thought of his son. The only son he had and he had barely spoken a word to. He knew he had been at Avolire castle but since his lead Advisor, hand and often insistent friend Gilbert had left before his arrival he figured that his son had been taken back to their family's manor about an hour's ride from the castle.

He then began to think back to conversation him and his blonde haired friend had right before his departure. He remembered Gilbert informing him of his son's arrival in the capital, told him that he was eager to learn how to use magic and how he hadn't liked being taught by anyone besides him.

"But if you offered to teach him in my absence I'm sure he'd be very pleased." He remembered his Advisor saying. Though Sebastian always refused that didn't stop him from trying to convince the stubborn king. Gilbert had told him how his son asked questions about him and how he'd answer them but was sure the boy would have rather heard them from his father himself.

Sebastian and Nolen didn't live together, the only time he saw his son was when he visited the castle. They barely ever ran into each other but when they did nothing was said. That's how their relationship was and as the boy got older, it became harder to communicate. He didn't know what his son liked, what he disliked or what his favorite food was, the little things a parent would know of their child. He didn't know Nolen at all. His son, the only thing he had left of his beloved wife, yet he abandoned him.

He loved his son, more than he thought was possible, but did his son know? He must know, Sebastian would tell himself, though he had never once told him. How would he know? He often questioned.

"Surely you have a moment to spend with him." Gilbert had told him to which he answered with a definite 'I do not.'

"Do you just not want to spend time with your son?" The Advisor had accused him and again Sebastian's answer was the same. That wasn't it though, that wasn't what he wanted to say. It was like he could never really say what he truly felt, especially when it mattered most.

Gilbert had done nothing to noticeably wound the man, though the last words he had spoken before leaving seemed to tear the king's heart into two.

"I think Noelle would be really disappointed if she could see you now." He had hissed before leaving though Sebastian accepted his words because he believed them. He had wanted to be angry at his Advisor for what he said but he only became angry with himself.

"I'm sorry." Sebastian whispered, recalling their conversation. "I'm sorry." He mumbled again, apologizing to his wife who was not here to hear it. " I'm so sorry." He apologized again this time to his son who was still here and would hear it if he'd just go to him.

He abruptly stood from his oak desk. He had decided. He would face his son and if he had already left for the manor then he would make his way there. He needed to see him, he needed to go before he became discouraged.

As Sebastian walked from behind his desk, a knock at the large doors drew his attention.

"Enter." Sebastian called out and in rushed an alarmed knight.

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