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                                   May 19
                         The Land of Fire

By the time Nolen and Julian reached Zillah the sun had began its decent and they finally made it to the silver palace where the masquerade ball was being held.

The silver palace had been a popular banquet hall and a commonly known landmark in Zillah. It was usually used for hosting official events and is known for its silver exterior and many halls.

After the carriage stopped, the boys stepped out and made their way to the entrance along with the many other formally dressed people making their way inside.

The two entered the building and arrived in the ballroom with masks on their faces,concealing their identities. The room had a high ceiling and was filled to the brim with guests. The walls were white with dark designs ingrained onto them and a crystal chandelier hung high in the air above the marble flooring. There had also been tables and seating areas throughout the room and two grand staircases that led to the second floor.

With people conversing and the light instrumental music being played in the background, Nolen wasn't sure how he was going to find the other Guardian. Normally he'd be able to sense him right away but the other boy most likely concealed his aura because Nolen hadn't sensed him at all.

"Nolen," Julian called beside him.


"Don't wander away from me. There are many people here, it'll be hard for me to find you so stay near me." Julian ordered.

"Yeah, yeah don't wander off. Got it." Nolen said but he already began walking through the crowd of people.

"Nolen!" Julian yelled but the boy was already gone.

Nolen wandered around hoping to run into Daemon and after a while he was able to find him. He stood across the room with his back turned to him as he talked to an older man. He walked up to Daemon, waiting patiently for him to finish speaking. Daemon pointed past the man he had been talking to and turned around to face Nolen, his scarlet eyes holding a hint of mischief within them.

"Nolen, you're here." Daemon said smirking, having sensed the boy as soon as he began to approach him. Daemon then hurried and grabbed the boy's arm and began running in the opposite direction.

"Daemon!" Nolen chirped. "Why are we running?" Nolen asked but Daemon hadn't answered right away as they weaved their way through the crowd and after a few seconds they stopped.

"What was that about?" Nolen asked.

"Well... I'll explain later." He said taking a deep breath.

"Are the others here as well?" Nolen asked as they began to walk towards a seating area.

"They couldn't make it." Daemon responded.

"Oh..." Nolen mumbled as they made it and took their seats at the two black booths that had a dark brown table in between them. "I thought I'd see everyone tonight," He said shaking his head. "We haven't all gotten together yet..."

It had been true that the hybrid children hadn't all been in one room together yet. They all spoke to each other but it was usually only through letters or during meetings that concerned all of their countries and even then all of them were never present during the meetings.

"Don't feel so down about it, Nolen. Actually, I know what'll cheer you up." Daemon said. "There's an au—" Daemon started but stopped when he saw his knight Bella Jennings. She stood beside the booth glaring daggers at the boy.

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