Joel Lycan

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                                   June 13
                         The Land of Earth

Nolen woke the next morning before the sun had even risen. He explored the estate, it had been much smaller than the Sitorian estate but that was only because the Lord of Moondale and his immediate family dwelled there.

He eventually arrived at the Lycan library, hoping he'd be able to learn more about the Lycans and the half of him he's never known. He hadn't known much about the Lycan blood that ran through his veins, only that it enhanced his senses and physical prowess, gave him the ability to sense emotions through physical contact and the telepathic abilities he had yet to unlock.

He had been searching the large shelves when one title caught his attention.

"The Lycan and the Direwolf." He read as he removed the crimson book from the shelf and carried it over to a nearby table. He opened the book and was immediately greeted with the tale of a certain Lycan named Ellaria and a giant direwolf by the name of Maverick. Together they fought wars and claimed uncharted land. They had truly been an unstoppable duo.

It had been said that only Lycans had special connections with the direwolves that roamed the east and only they could mount them and Ellaria Lycan had been the first. He hadn't known what first drew the direwolves to the Lycans, but wanted to know more as he continued reading.

The sound of heavy footsteps coming his way made him pause. He didn't recognize the sound of their footsteps nor the sound of their heartbeat, it couldn't have been someone he was around for long, but knew it had to be someone who lived in the Lycan estate.

He turned around as the footsteps stopped and came face to face with Joel Lycan, his grandfather.

"Does that story interest you." He asked as Nolen closed the book, revealing its title. Nolen was quiet for a while before responding.

"What makes Lycans so special? Why can they only mount direwolves?" The young boy questioned as Joel stepped closer, staring down at him.

"The Lycans were the first people created by Lycan himself. We have a greater connection to him than any other Noble family. We may not be directly related to Lycan like his descendants but we do share his blood." Joel explained. Nolen listened intently but still didn't understand one thing.

"Do every Lycan have a direwolf of their own, like Ellaria had Maverick?" Nolen asked and Joel nodded.

"Every Lycan should at least have a chance to acquire a direwolf." He said and the boy smiled.

"Do you have a direwolf?"

"I do. Her name is Lunalie." He replied and Nolen tilted his head to the side before asking one more question.

"Did... did my mother have one?" He asked but Joel was hesitant.

"No... she did not. She left the Land of Earth with your father before she could find one." Joel stated. The boy's shoulders slumped at the mention of his father, he could tell that his grandfather hadn't thought kindly of him.

"Did you know my father when he was younger?" Nolen questioned quietly as he looked up as his grandfather whose frown deepened.

"Yes and I know he loved my daughter very much and that if he could have done something she'd still be here. I just wish that he had... done things differently, I wish that so many things were done differently."

Joel was quiet for a moment as he stared at the boy with the same frown on his face before he suddenly picked the boy off of his feet, catching him by surprise.

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