Jannah and Aladdin

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Hiiii~~~ A little information before you read.
So this is a little experiment that came to mind in which Aladdin has an older brother. I've read many stories where he has a twin or sister, not that many male ocs.

I admit, before this oc was a girl but I changed it to a guy. I also made an older sibling so Aladdin can be more dependent on him. Another thing I've only watched the anime Magi not the manga so I do not know that many details, sorry. Another thing is that this will not follow the whole story line.

"Jannah~" the little boy whispered for his older brother. When he didn't get a response he continued down the halls. He hums as he walks along the halls, carrying the book he found close to his chest.

The little bluenette would often find strange things around the huge palace. Whenever he found them he would always bring them to his older brother. If he could find him.

He looks in the room they slept in the previous night only to find that the room was empty. He pouts once more and heads to another room.

A boy lays in a hammock in a room decorated books. He was sleeping peacefully. His wild, long blue hair was out of its usual braid and his bangs covered his eyes as he slept. His arm hung off the side of the hammock while the other was lazily draped across his stomach. He wore white pants and a long sleeved shirt that stopped at his midriff with a blue vest on.

White and dark little bird-like creatures were fluttering and dancing around him.

The door to the room opens, a boy who looked similar to the other but younger came in. He too had long blue hair, not as wild as the other, and it was braided. He also wore white pants and a blue vest. His chest was covered in bandages unlike the other.

The four year old child made his way over to the older. He makes his way carefully across the room, trying to avoid the dark bird looking creatures and before he could even touch the other his hand twitched.

"Aladdin...." The other muttered, before slowly opening his eyes. His eyes were similar to his brother's, they were black with a hint of blue in them making them look fully blue of you didn't look too hard.

"Jannah, I found another one! Can you read it to me?" The boy, Aladdin asks. The other, Jannah, hums and nods letting the other crawl up to lay on him as he takes the book from his little brother. He opens the book where he sees a huge gap in it, only for another smaller and slimmer book to fall out. He raises an eyebrow at the little boy and the other gives him cute eyes.

He sits the big book on a stack near the hammock and opens the other.

Oh he should have known.

His eye twitches as he flips through the pages full of women and 'other' things. The other boy had turned to mush by now and was giggling while his face was flushed. The twelve year old let out a sigh, how was the other even finding these things?

Having enough of this he throws the book away making the other pout and whine.

"You're too young to be looking at that." Was all Jannah said as he leaves the hammock and goes to a pile of thick books.

"B-But!! I wanted to ask something." He says making the older go stiff. Jannah remembers the last time Aladdin had asked him a question about what was in those type of books and he mentally shuddered at the thought. He sits down on the floor, legs crossed with a book in lap. He moves some of his blue locks out of his eyes.

"Ask Ugo, it's his turn." He spoke, smirking in the inside because he already knew the blue giant's reaction. Aladdin nods eagerly and goes over to the neglected book and runs out the room shouting, "Ugo! Ugo!I have another one!!"

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