Holy Palace

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"Oh my, what is this monster?" The young lady asked as she sneered down at the blue giant. "It does seem as he bullied our Judal a bit doesn't it?"

Aladdin and the others looked up in the night sky to a group of people- well mostly people- on a flying carpet in the air. One person was a girl with red hair, along with a man and a few creatures behind the two. Another person was holding Judal's unconscious body in his hands.

"We've managed to save him by a hair's breadth." The man says while inspecting the dark magi. "But he is injured badly." The girl looks him over and turns toward the man. "Koubun, heal Judal properly. It won't be a joke if he dies."

"Understood, he is our precious 'oracle'".

Down below Sinbad frowned and Jafar spoke up. "Sin, they're...?"

"Yeah," the older answered after gulping. "They're from the Kou Empire."

"K-Kou empire!" Alibaba stated in shock while Morgiana and Aladdin were too surprised to speak. Sinbad looked up at the magic carpet. Not only that but they're using such large-scale magic tools. Meaning they aren't just anybody.

Ugo hunched over and clenched his fists as red light surrounded them and began to grow. He crouched down, getting ready to aim at the ones above. The girl looked down with an unreadable expression. "What? Does that monster still want to fight? Then I'll be his opponent." She says reaching for the gold clip in her hair. Koubun bowed his head toward her slightly. "Please be careful princess."

She takes the metal clip in her hand. "It's alright, leave it to me and go heal Judal." Taking the metal and holding it out in front of her with both hands she began to chant.

"Spirits of sorrow and isolation, in the name of my magoi, and my will to grant me a greater power, I order you and your members," She held the clip up and the eight point star shown in the jewel of fit, making it glow brightly and the rukh swarm around.


Water swirled around her body in the shape of a dragon. "Here I go!" She yelled as the djinn lunged forward. "I'll finish you, you monster." She comments but was caught off guard as the djinn's hands suddenly gripped around the water she was engulfed in, making it evaporate.

"Heat magic..." She says then glares and grips her vessel. The pin was engulfed in water as well before it paused and then light took the water's place. In place of the pin was a large sword.

"What is that?!" Alibaba yelled out as she charged forward, Ugo doing the same.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you do that princess." a deep voice says as a magic star glowed between the two charging figures. Aladdin stiffened for a second as he thought it was his brother's voice, it sounded just alike, except it was just a bit deeper. He looks over to see if his brother was still unconscious with Sinbad and the others only to see him gone and looked back at the glowing stared circle in the air. Ugo froze mid charge, the magic leaving his hands but the princess kept forward.

She was stopped however, when a hand came through the star and grabbed her vessel, rendering it back to it's previous state, making her falter a bit.

"My v-vessel!" She says in a state of shock as the other emerged out the star. Jannah looks down at her with an unreadable expression. "Apologies Vinea, and to you too princess. I can't have you hurting my friend, he is very precious to me."

Aladdin tried to get a good view of what was happening, the star went away and wasn't shining so brightly now. He gasped at the sight of his brother up above, except he didn't look exactly the same as before. He looked just a bit older, two or three years at most, his hair was longer and was in two braids. His staff looked the same but glowed the same star that had emerged from before. But what really intrigued him was his glowing eyes and the symbol on his brother's forehead.

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