Entering Kou

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It had been a total of three months since Jannah met Yunan. During the first three months Yunan taught the teen the basics of magic. Jannah already knew the eight types of magic and Yunan showed him how to combine them into combinations using commands.

Yunan had also taught him about the world. He learned that Yunan lived in a place called a 'Rift'. It was a vast amount of darkness that was impossible to see in. When he asked Yunan how he was able to navigate through it the magi told him he had an excelled sense of hearing. Jannah
also learned all the properties of his magic. While they were training one time Jannah had actually found his limit. He did use energy from the rukh like Yunan did, but in the end it took a great toll on his body.

"Where is this place?" The teenager asked. Him and the magi had been flying around for the past hour or so. Yunan only gave a silent hum as a response. Instead of asking for a more clear answer Jannah looked at his surroundings. Wherever it was was dark and dull, and a bit cold. The land was barren and there was a lot of fog. Yunan stops midair and looks around before descending and so does Jannah.

They both land on the ground and Yunan waves his staff. Jannah took note of the white rukh surrounding them and going into the head of his staff. So much. He thinks to himself. Just what was the older man planning to do?

Soon the ground under his feet began to rumble. Jannah watches in awe as a pointed star symbol glows on the earth. It seemed to grow brighter as more rukh was absorbed into his staff. The earth began to crumble and soon Jannah was able to see a marble like floor peek through the broken dirt and rocks. Soon both Yunan and him were in the sky as the floor began to ascend in the air.

When it stopped Yunan began to float off and fly around as if try to see his work. Jannah stared in shock for a few minutes before following the other. He had heard a little folktale from Ugo about mysterious beings who traveled the world raising mystical building like so. He wonders if Yunan were one of those being, or maybe that was being part of a Magi.

"So you make these...?" Covering his mouth because of all the dust and dirt in the air. Yunan on the other hand seemed unfazed by it he continued to are at the tower. Maybe it's because he has done this before, Jannah thinks to himself.

Yunan looked up from the building to the teen landing on the ground beside him. "Yes." He answers quietly. "May I ask for what purpose?"

Yunan then tilts his head back toward the tower and starts to walk up the marbled steps. Jannah follows, a bit hesitant. "This." Yunan motions to the tower. "Is a dungeon." Then he continues and presses his hand against the wall. "And this is the entrance." The rukh began to gather around his hand and soon a doorway appeared. It held the pointed symbol on the head of the door and designs began to surround around it. A bright light shown from the entrance.

Jannah had heard Yunan mention dungeons before but the other never went into any details about the subject. All he just knew was that they were magical towers and now, that Yunan can make them with just the wave of his staff. "A dungeon- no." Yunan shakes his head, thinking of a way to explain. "This-" he motions to the tower. "- is a dungeon. People challenge these for... Power. " he says and Jannah tilts his head in curiosity. "So you make these and wait for people to challenge them?" He asks not fully understanding the concept. He steps forward to where he was standing side by side to the other and looks at the mark above the door.

I've seen this before .... He thinks.

"Not exactly..." Yunan says and presses his hand against Jannah's back. Before Jannah could even register what had happened he was falling.

In darkness.

He could no longer see Yunan anymore, he could no longer see the outside world anymore. And now he was just falling through a dark space. It felt weird, as if his body was out of place.

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