Fog Troupe 2

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Jannah woke up to a loud rumble and crash. Hell, when did he go to sleep? Did he pass out?

He blinks and his headache did somewhat ease and he stood up. He makes his way back toward Aladdin and the others and saw Sinbad and his subordinates around a huge hole in the wall.

"Wha-" he swallows. "What happened?"

Sinbad looked at him. "The Fog Troupe came and captured Alibaba. We need to get him back."

Jannah snorted and leaned against his staff. "I honestly don't give a single care about that idiot." He says while making his way back.

Sinbad raised an eyebrow, judging from the other's outburst earlier he was sure this tactic would work.

"You do know that Aladdin is up on the roof with them right?"

Jannah felt something in his head click and he whipped around and stared at Sinbad. "Where?" He demanded.

"The roof. They went up through the -"

Jannah was already halfway in the room before the other could finish.

"Jannah! The stairs are-"

"Fuck the stairs! I. Am. Flying!"


When they arrived Jannah immediately stood by his brother. Sinbad and the others came up as well. Morgiana seemed to be fighting but there were just too many.

"Masrur." Sinbad said and only received a nod. The fanalis man stood and positioned himself before attacking.

Jannah would be lying if he wasn't impressed. The impact was tremendous. Then Sinbad began to talk to them and the blonde haired brat. Jannah turned toward his brother and began to look him over.

"You're not hurt are you?" He asked and the younger shook his head. Jannah nodded and looked at Morgiana. "You?" She said that she was alright and Jannah placed his hand on Aladdin's head before sighing.

"I'm sorry for yelling earlier, I know I scared you." He whispered and Aladdin only hugged him while nodding. Jannah only let out a sigh and his attention turned toward the blonde who had started this whole thing. He would have a select few words with him later, but now his head was killing him. Aladdin had let go but stayed around his brother and began to listen to what Sinbad was saying.

Jannah rubbed at his temples and restrained a groan. It felt as if something was hitting his head and it grew more intense. The world before him begin to tilt a bit and dots clouded his vision.


'Do you think you can protect them in the state you're in? Look at you!" The feminine voice said and he immediately recognized it. It was that woman of Kou.

"Face it! You're one of us! They won't accept you!" She snickered at him, a crooked look on her face.

"Shut up! I'll do everything in my being to end you!" He choked out. His body hurt all over and his breath was short. He gripped his staff so hard it was starting to hurt his hands.

"But the darkness will take you entirely and then you won't be in control! It'd be better to come with us! Your brother is gone and your sister won't make it. S_a has already fallen by my hand! Now join us and tell us what you're planning." She tried to reason with a calm voice, while walking forward.

"Over my cold dead body!" He sneered with an equally calm tone and a hard glare, dark veins starting to form under one eye.

"But it's part of our fate and destiny! It's what our father wants!"

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