Untitled Part 13

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Hello, sorry for the long wait. Life has happened as well, I was delayed.

I apologize that this chapter is shorter than normal. Please bare with me.

I would also like to thank you all, from here and wattpad, haha.

Now on with the show.

Jannah put his lips in a straight line. They were currently in a tree. He was on his own branch while Judal was on his own, eating a peach. He began to mumble to himself.

"You've been doing that a lot Blue Boy."

Jannah stopped, "I don't like him."

"Huh? The idiot king?"

Blue eyes narrowed. "Yes him. I don't like the way he talks around things. It reminds me of someone." He mumbled the last part more to himself. He just didn't like the way Sinbad thought and did things. Not only that, he didn't like Aladdin being around here. The rukh was just too bright here.

He didn't realize Judal was floating over him until the other was practically lying on top of him. "Quit thinking about it." His fingers begin to play at Jannah's hair.

"There you two are."

Jannah recognized it as Jafar, he actually liked Jafar.

"Anything you need?" He asked when Judal showed no signs of moving.

The pale man set his lips in a thin line. "Sin wishes to speak with you two."

Sinbad's study was quite impressive, Jannah admits. There were a good number of books and scrolls that piqued his interest but he knew that had to wait.

"What do ya want idiot king?" Judal voiced. Jafar cast him a glare and an amused smile came to Jannah's face. Sinbad let out a sigh, eyes closed. He wanted to do this without causing hostilities.

So much for that idea.

Instead, he just cut through the chase. "Well for one how did you get through the borg surrounding the country?"

Jannah hummed, he remembered some type of interference when they tried to get in a few days ago. Judal easily managed to get through it in seconds. He did admit it was an impressive defense method, however 'to a magi it was nothing more than a bubble,' as Judal put it.

"Seriously, what kind of Magi would I be if I couldn't even cut through a simple shield like that." The raven boasted with a bored tone. Sinbad held an unreadable expression as his eyes narrowed only a fraction.

"Alright then," he dropped it, "Why are two here?"

"Aladdin's here." Was Jannah's immediate response. There was no way he was leaving his brother unattended to a man he barely knew. Not only that, he didn't even know the man's intentions for letting his brother stay.

"And I'm staying wherever Blue Boy's staying." Judal comments, twirling the dark rukh around with his fingers.

A sigh is Sinbad's response.

From the back of Jannah's mind, the other Jannah made a chuckle.

"You do realize that by you being here will cause unwanted tensions between us and Kou, right Judal?"

Judal snorts, "I'm no longer with those guys. I don't care what they do."

To say Sinbad and Jafar were shocked was an understatement.

Judal then sat up and made a crooked smile. "Tell ya what! Any of those organization members come around I'll mess up 'em up for ya."

Sinbad blinked. Was Judal really negotiating with them so he could stay? Or was he just pulling his leg? The king didn't want to wait and find out. There was a moment of stretched silence and he heaved a sigh.

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