His Name is Sinbad

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Jannah stares at the fire in front of him. From what Aladdin had told him, him and his companion had found him and Judar in the desert unconscious. Jannah understood, since he was the one that teleported them there somehow. He doesn't have a clear vision of everything that happened, he could only remember fragments.

Now here they were, it was night time. Aladdin was sleep next to him, his head in his lap. The girl, Morgiana he learned, was on the other side of Aladdin. Judar sat sleep next to him, his head on Jannah's shoulder. They were all leaning against the huge pack that Aladdin and Morgiana had.

The teen lets out a sigh and looks up at the night sky, his hand absentmindedly stroking his little brother's hair. He narrows his eyes, he would have to talk to Ugo later on as well, about the circle, the book, and the voice his head.

A flicker of light caught his eye and he turns his head a bit to see a glimmer sticking out the pack. He pulls it, trying his best not to disturb the others and manages to pull it out. He states at it and tingle runs up his spine. It felt familiar in his hands, like he's held it a million times.

A sigh escapes his lips and he places it back before closing his eyes.

He was in someone's lap..

That was the extent of his knowledge.

He blinks, wasn't he just with Aladdin and the others? How did he end up in someone's lap?

He could tell he was in someone's lap since their arm was around him, supporting him as he sat on their leg. His vision was a bit blurry as well, like a dream where you couldn't see properly.

He looks over to see a desk in front of them as well, the person is writing something but as he stares longer he could see the writing forming into some type of circle.

The circle he saw before.

Whoever was doing it was very delicate and slow, probably making sure not to mess up. He looks up to see whoever it is and stares at the person.

It was woman.

He stares and takes in her features, her long, wild blue hair, her thick eyebrows, and her golden eyes shone a bit. The longer he stares the more he could see that he had some of her features as well. She also wore a silver head ornament that covered her forehead and golden earnings. Her hair was down with two braids over her shoulders.

It kind of bewildered him, who was this woman that was holding him, and why?

He keeps looking at her until her golden gaze lifts from the paper and met his eyes. Her sharp face softens and she gives him a smile and puts down her pen.

"I thought you'd be sleep by now Jannah, you were awfully quiet and still." She says, her hand runs through his hair and he actually leaned into the touch. She shifts, leaning back in the big chair they were in and pulling him into her lap, a sigh escapes her. She closes her eyes with an exhausted look on her face.

"I have to finish one more detail, the tricky thing is I have to make this as complicated as possible." She opens them, the kind look back on her face.

"But I think you'll be able to figure it out when you're older and when I'm done we'll go and see your older sis-"

There is a knock from somewhere in the room and Jannah could hear the loud wailing and screeching of a child. The woman's head turns toward the door and her grips around Jannah tightened slightly.

"Who is it?" She said it in a demanding voice and Jannah wondered if she was the same person

"Lord ___n! We can't keep her quiet. She's been crying for hours and her condi-"

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