0 | Prologue

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Grey kept typing furiously into his Laptop, His hands slowly but vengefully raked through his hair in anger, he really couldn’t understand what exactly was wrong with the layout but he knew something was missing.

He crumpled the Paper making it into the bin in one throw amongst the others that already did make their way in too. He started drawing out another layout but the damn line he had drawn on this one had a tiny mishap, it was a straight as he wanted it to be.

He hated mishaps but he already had more than enough in the trash can already. Or did he? His body itched, he couldn’t ignore it even if he tried to.

So he crumpled it again and straight into the trash can but this time it missed

IT fucking missed

The itch came again, he really hated when things were out of place so he really couldn’t let things be out of place, HE HATED IT.

He stood up him his full glory and—Oooohhh I’d tap that ass—Sorry back to narration—His Tall not so Lean Figure sauntered over where the Trash can sat with a commanding confidence and effortless mystery radiating off of him, his sharp Jawline, Pink plump Lips, Long eye lash and Full eyebrows were illuminated by the ray of light that found a way to sneak its self into the Not so dark room.

His 6’ft 3 figure and Brown locs that went a little after his Eye brows but was parted a Center part giving a View of his Pretty forest green Eyes that Accentuated his Almost tan skin making him what I’d call an Epitome of Beauty---It’s not even Fair that he gets to be as Handsome as that—His stubbles were neatly Trimmed but gave him the Manly Look that caused every woman that shared eye contact with him dripping their panties---Uhhh-Mine too..---.

Grey picked up the Crumpled Paper placing it almost neatly inside the trash can before strutting towards the little bar area he had in His office, He could use a Little bit of whiskey—If not a Lot--- right now, this Project had been stressing him for a While and He still couldn’t find the design that felt perfect like what he had envisioned in his head.

Everything he had drawn seemed to have a Loop hole somewhere and He really couldn’t place it.

He picked up a glass, also picking up a cleaning Wipe from the Wipes Dispenser that stood firmly by the wall. Staring into the glass for the presence of any dirt or Debris, He didn’t find any but cleaned it anyways.

Microorganisms are creepy tiny things, they were the smallest most diverse Things on earth and as much as they are needed in our day to day life for survival --amongst the other things they do like being Pathogenic—Grey wouldn’t take that risk. He’d prefer to clean until he was thoroughly satisfied. So he did what he did best to the glass—HE CLEANED--.

Feeling satisfied after cleaning the glass for a questionable number of minutes, he picked up a Bottle of Whiskey from the mini fridge Cracking it open, dishing some out into the Cup. He downed the drink, the burning sensation in his throat giving hthe im feeling of being alive again—He needed more—so he kept down the drink until the first bottle was empty and the Second and many more to come.

An hour or two later Grey finds himself taking a Shower and preparingto  to go bed, decreasing the temperature of the Air conditioner because he suddenly felt hot, the Last thing on his Mind “What did Isabelle have for dinner?”


This majority of the MC’s POV is a first person’s POV while the Love interest’s is usually in a Third person’s. (Dunno why I do the but yeah)

Also you’re in my head in a world I created. I can do what I want!

My characters aren’t meant for you to like (you’re meant to love them—just kidding—you can if you want to) they mostly have bad characters and distinct personalities that shouldn’t be acceptable in the real world. Don’t learn the bad ones from them, you can keep the good ones though.

There will be explicit sexual content and languages (All ye kids reading this now and rolling your eye delete this book or I’ll go tell your mom—Just kidding read if you want but always remember I warned you--)

Also there are so many triggering contents. Please DO NOT read if you are easily trigger (Also I hope you’re fine) but I would try to give warnings if I remember but knowing me and my love for chase and surprises I probably won’t.
So let’s just take this as my lovely warning.
Yeah that’s it whores bye y’all.

RENEÉ GREYWhere stories live. Discover now