4 | his way around a vagina

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4 | his way around a vagina

CH 04: How are you?

🌸Reneé Grey🌸


I’m sorry bear, I wanted to wait till you’re all settled in before I started disturbing you again you know’

My mom chuckled and I smiled

I really do miss her and it’s not even been two days since we left but to be honest I started missing her before we left spring lake so that’s fair yeah?

“Its fine ma, I didn’t call either so it’s no Biggy”

‘Nuh-uh don’t say that Bear, I’m your mom and I should look after you at all times’


“Nope ma, not this topic—I’m a grown ass woman not a baby any more” I frown even though she couldn’t see me

‘Okay okay I give up, whatever floats your boat bear. You do you’

“Yass mama” I climb down my bed putting my phone on loud speaker and go into my bathroom, I placed my phone on the bathroom vanity and started brushing my hair out in front of the mirror

‘Where are my Pumpkins? She asks matter of fact-ly

“Probably somewhere in their rooms, I haven’t seen them since I left their school this morning, I don’t even know how their classes went and I’m just getting back from work” I put my hair in a bun and start removing my make up with some micellar water 

‘Wait! What? You’re just getting back from work? it’s like 10:46pm, and I actually did speak to them this evening and they said the school was aiit’ her southern accent was really evident in her voice at that last word

“You spoke to them? Before me? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” I whine

‘Sorry bear but they’re my Grandkids and you said earlier and I quote ‘I’m a grown ass woman not a baby any more’ I got to take care of my babies Woman’ she mimics my voice in the Silliest way possible

“Nice move ma, use my words against me” by now I was done with my skin care routine and up and about my closet looking for the Perfect and Comfy night wear

“And Babies? Really? I’m pretty sure as hell that boy Aaron, know his way around a vagina if he sees one and Azzy too” I murmur but loud enough for her to hear

What? What was it you said? Oh you want to know about their sexual lives?’ she taunts and I scrunch up my nose in disgust, my mom had a really special relationship with my kids (me included),she knew everything about everyone.

She had this kind of Spice when she talks to you that makes you want to spill all your guts to her and she calls it her ‘Black Girl Magic’

“Nope never, that would be disgusting and I still think they’re kids that aren’t old enough to have sexual lives, which Technically they’re kids because they’re 17. But you do you ma as you always say” with my purple ‘Sofia’ pajamas on I plop back on my bed

Don’t you dare criticize my choice of clothing

‘That’s so hypocritical of you’ she says and I gasped putting my hands on my heart “I’m hurt ma, my feelings are hurt”

‘I don’t care, need I remind you of all the things you were doing at 16? Baby you even worked at that weird strip club’

That’s true and Speaking of Strip clubs….

RENEÉ GREYWhere stories live. Discover now