9 | It's...a bit revealing

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9 | It's...a bit revealing

CH 09: What’s your opinion on confrontations

🌸Renee Grey🌸

‘I hate them so I avoid them.’

In the days that followed our passionate encounter, a palpable tension filled the air whenever Mr. Carson and I crossed paths at ‘Grey’s House’. We exchanged polite nods and professional pleasantries, had work done but our shared secret loomed between us like an unspoken storm.

I found myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. The dominant energy that had consumed me during our night together still pulsed within my veins, and I yearned for the intoxicating power it brought. But I also knew that indulging in those desires with my boss could lead to dire consequences.

I mean I never even knew I had a kink

Days later, and our encounters remained strictly professional. Yet, the undercurrent of our shared secret continued to simmer beneath the surface. It was during a chance encounter this morning that the tension reached its breaking point.

As the elevator doors pinged open, he walked out of the elevator exuding his usual confidence,  leaving us alone in the confined space of the waiting area for the first time in some days, the air crackled with unspoken desire. Mr. Carson's eyes locked onto mine, a mixture of longing and restraint swirling within them. The silence between us was heavy, pregnant with unfulfilled possibilities. Before he finally pushed through the brown door of his office.

The landline rang as I had expected it to
I’m sure he needed his schedule
“Hello Mr. Carson’s office, this is Renee Grey, how may I help you?”
“Come to my office now! Ms. Grey”.

My heart thundered as I entered Grey's office. Ever since our encounter at the club, every glance, every word from him had taken on a new meaning. But I couldn't let him see how he affected me.
I noticed the way he always ran his hands through his hair whenever he was frustrated

His pink full lips was always on the show

As I sat down, he leaned forward, looking at me in a way that sent a wave of heat through my body. "I've been meaning to speak with you about something," he said, his voice low and smooth.

My throat went dry. "Yes, Mr. Carson?"

Is this it? The moment I have been waiting for? Where he acknowledges that night and fires me?

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Please, call me Grey.

First name basis? Ohhhhh la la.

"Alright...Grey," I said, my voice catching slightly.

He rose from his desk and walked over to me, his movements slow and deliberate. "What goes on in that pretty head of yours?" he said, his breath warm on my face.

He thinks my head is pretty?

His words surprised me, and I blurted out, "Aren't we going to talk about what happened at the club?"

No fucking filter Renee Nice.

Grey's expression hardened. "What about it?" he asked, his voice hard-edged.

Hold up! Why is his voice suddenly mean?

Didn’t he just think my head was pretty?

My heart sank at his clipped response. I couldn't believe we were having this conversation at all, but I wasn't about to back down.

You know what? I just remembered. How mean he was to me. The way he muttered the ‘’get out’ like I was nothing but a toy

"What about it?" I snapped back, rising from my seat. "You acted like you owned me! Like I was some...some possession for you to toss aside."

RENEÉ GREYWhere stories live. Discover now