7 | Are you alright, my pet?

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7 | Are you alright, my pet?

CH 07: Do you have any sexual fantasies?

🌸Reneé Grey🌸

‘Uhhhh- Of course’

The neon lights of the city flickered and danced as I made my way through the bustling streets. It was a cool fall evening, and I could feel the anticipation building within me. My night shift at Shadows strip club was approaching and I was already feeling the weight of the night before it even began. As I approached the entrance of the club, I noticed something peculiar. Everyone - patrons and staff alike - was wearing a mask over their face. The masks were elaborate and intricate, ranging from elegant masquerade masks to more elaborate creations that concealed the wearer's entire face. It was a sight to behold, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue mixed with a tinge of unease.

They mostly weren’t just any masks, but mysterious, black masks that concealed their faces

Are we safe? Or should I start running?

Curiosity got the better of me, and I approached one of the bouncers standing guard outside. "Excuse me," I said, my voice barely audible over the thumping music emanating from within. "Why is everyone wearing masks tonight?"

The bouncer, a burly man with a stoic expression, glanced at me before responding. "It's Mask Night," he said simply, as if that explained everything. "A special event for our most dedicated clientele."

I nodded, though the explanation left me with more questions than answers. Mask Night? I had never heard of such an event before. But as I stepped inside the club and felt the pulsating energy of the crowd, I decided to embrace the mystery and let the night unfold.

Minutes later, I found myself backstage, changing into my dancing outfit. The room was a flurry of activity, with dancers hurriedly applying makeup and adjusting their costumes. The air was thick with a heady mix of perfume and anticipation, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.
Just as I was slipping into my sky-high heels, my manager, Saint burst into the room with a look of panic etched across his face, he looked flustered.

"Renée!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with urgency thank God you're here," he said, relief washing over his face. "One of our best dancers is MIA, and her regular is in the VIP room. He's an important customer and also a submissive and I know you’d be best for me tonight."

I paused, taking in the urgency of the situation. A regular. In the VIP room. This wasn't just any customer—this was someone who'd been here before, someone who'd paid a premium for a private performance.

"Look, I know you're one of our best too, and this is kind of out of your wheelhouse, but can you go in there and cover for her? Just do what you do best, keep him entertained, keep him spending." Saint was pleading now, his eyes desperate.

I took a deep breath. I could do this.

Reluctantly, I nodded, slipping into my role as easily as I slipped into my stilettos. After all, dancing was only part of my job—the other part was playing the part. Every customer had their own fantasies, their own desires, and it was my job to fulfill them.

I followed Saint as he led me through the maze of hallways and into a private room. The dimly lit space was adorned with plush furnishings, and soft music wafted through the air. The room was dark, illuminated only by a single spotlight and a row of candles. And there he was, sitting in the shadows, his face obscured by a mask. I couldn't make out any distinguishing features, but the air around him was charged, electrifying.

I adopted a confident, commanding stance, surveying the room like a lioness surveying her domain. "Well, well, what do we have here? A little lost lamb in need of guidance?" I purred.

RENEÉ GREYWhere stories live. Discover now