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Duncan: me😎

Courtney: Me, I guess.

Noah: ^^^

Dj: I baked some food for the party! :)

Geoff: awesome, man!

Owen: Dj you're the best!

Izzy: Izzy agrees!!!

Heather: i legally cannot say disagree since it's dj were talking about

Courtney: *We're

Heather: stfu

Noah: Both of you stfu.

Courtney: What did I ever do to you?

Noah: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Cody: someone's moody

Noah: Shut it.

Izzy: NOAH.

Izzy: DO

Izzy: NOT

Izzy: TALK

Izzy: TO

Izzy: YOUR

Noah: I'm going to stop you right there.

Izzy: amazing, smart, gifted friend that happens to be a male as well

Izzy: LIKE

Izzy: THAT!!!!!!

Cody: um

Noah: Please say nothing more.

Noah's POV

I shut off my phone, deciding to get ready for the party. It wouldn't be long before I had to arrive - along with Izzy, Eva, Owen, and Cody - so why not get ready now? I didn't really know what to wear. I wasn't - and still am not! - a big party guy. No way in hell was I wearing something fancy. I just decided to put on a casual turtleneck sweater and the first pair of pants I could find. I never put much thought into my clothes. Well, that was sort of a lie. But right now, I could care less. I grabbed my phone, quickly checking any texts from the group chat. Just more talk about the party, what time to arrive, yada yada. I slid it in my pocket, grabbed my car keys, and hopped into my car. I had a feeling that after tonight, my clean car wasn't going to be looking so fresh. I turned the car on, and backed out of my driveway. I turned the radio up a bit, but not too much to where it distracted me. In no time I arrived at Izzy's house, where Eva, Owen, and Cody had met up as well. I pulled into her driveway and honked twice. I don't know why she wants me to do that, but I don't ask. I saw her door swing open, and I swear that thing almost fell off its hinges. She pushed the other three out the door before walking out as well, slamming the door. I heard her quite literally scream 'shotgun' as she raced to my car. This girl was going to crash my car without having to even drive it, I swear. Eva, Owen, and Cody got in the back passenger seats - Cody being squished in the middle, making me snort.
"What are you laughing at?" Eva asked a bit harshly.
"Maybe give Cody some room?" I asked, my mouth bending slightly in the form of a smile as I turned my head to look back the three. As I turned my head to face the front again, I noticed a smirk on Izzy's face. She earned a glare for that one. As I backed out of Izzy's driveway, she reached over and just fucking jumpscared us all by turning the music volume up to 60, no joke. I swatted her hand away and turned the music back down.
"Do that again and your shotgun privelages get revoked," I spat. "I'll make sure you switch seats with Cody."
"Why? So he can be up here with you?" she teased.
"No," I responded calmly. "So you can be stuck between Eva and Owen. I'll let you decide if that's more comfortable than sitting shotgun." Izzy just shrugged at me. But on the bright side, she didn't blow our eardrums out again! Thank you, Izzy, for the finally peaceful car ride. As we turned into Geoff's street, I started to slow the car down until I saw the correct house. I then pulled up to the curb, the driveway already packed with cars. No way in hell was I getting stuck in that. I turned off the car and stepped out, feeling the cool breeze blowing through my hair. It was nice out. It was getting a bit dark, which made it cooler out. But not too cold. I shut the driver side door and started to walk to the houses front door as the others followed me. I raised my hand to knock, but then the door opened, revealing a very excited Geoff with music blaring and lights blasting behind him.
"Yo!" he said to the group. "Welcome, dudes and dudettes! Enjoy the party!" I stepped inside first as Geoff opened the door wider. As we entered, Izzy and Eva went off to do their own thing, and Owen made his way to the snack table. I could feel Cody get closer to me.
"Are you okay?" I asked him, smiling slightly.
"Do you see her?" he asked me. I completely forgot I was supposed to hide Cody from Sierra.
"No, man. I don't," I told him. "Maybe she didn't come."
"No. No, no, no. She's here. She knows I'd be at this party."
"I think you're a bit paranoid." He gave me a joking glare for that comment. "Alright, alright. Sorry." I said, throwing my hands up in surrender. We walked around the giant house for a bit, spotting others. We eventually found a room with no one in it, and settled down, hoping Sierra wouldn't find the room.

Courtney's POV

This is horrible. I hate this party. All my LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER are here! I can literally hear Duncan's hideous voice from all the way in the living room, while he's in the kitchen. And then there's Gwen, who is literally a few feet away from me. And Heather! Some nerve she has! Doesn't everyone hate her?
...Alright. I have something to confess. All these people around me...they aren't all that bad. The stupid show gave them a bad rep. And me. Ugh, I hate that show! But then again, I wouldn't have found some of these people that I actually like. Gosh, why am I getting so sappy?
"Hey, Court!" Gwen called to me as she walked over. What was she doing?
"Hi, Gwen," I said, a bit colder than I intended. Gwen really wasn't that bad. Besides the whole boyfriend stealing stuff.
"Um, is it okay if I sit?" she asked, motioning to the empty spot beside me.
"Go ahead."
"Hell of a party, isn't it?" she asked as she sat down.
"Hell of a party."

Duncans POV

I sat in the kitchen bar with Trent and Alejandro. The three of us found the alcohol Geoff very rudely had not set out. Tsk, tsk. How could you plan a party and not get the alcohol out? Anyways, we're talking about some dumb shit, I can't really remember exactly what. I kinda spaced out a while ago.
"Yo, Duncan?" I heard Trent's voice say. "You alright man?" A laugh from Alejandro could be heard.
"Perrrfectly fine, duuuude," I said, a drunk smile on my face. "Umm...what were yyyou talkin' about again?" Another laugh from Alejandro. Trent just sighed.
"We haven't even had that much to drink," I could hear Trent mumble.
"Corrrrection!" I exclaimed. "You haven't had that much to drink. Mmmeeee on the other hand..." I tipped my shot glass his way before taking it. Trent just sighed again. Had I disappointed him? What did that matter? Was he mad at me? What did that matter? God, how strong is this alcohol?
"Hey, Duncan," Alejandro spoke up. "You seem to be pretty good with the ladies! Any tips on how I can get closer to mi amor?" I watched as he slightly turned to look at Heather. I snorted a bit before speaking.
"Y'see, ifff you asked me about Courtney or Gwenn, then I could help ya," I told him. "But I know nnnothing about Heather. But uh- go for it, man!"
"I think I'm gonna go see what Harold and Justin are up to," Trent said, setting his cup of beer on the counter.
"Awh, come on, man!" I said. "Don't gooo..." Trent sighed heavily before speaking again.
"Why not?" he asked, crossing his arms, waiting for me to answer.
"" I mumbled, not even knowing what I last said. "I honestly don't fucking know man, I'm wasted." Trent sighed again.
"Then maybe I should just take you home," he said.
"No way!" I exclaimed loudly. "I'm no pussy! I'd be, like, the first to go home!" Trent just shook his head and walked away.
"Nice job, dingus," Alejandro said with a snort.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You serious?" he asked. "It's clear you like him!"
"I...I'm not gay."

Am I?

1435 WORDS!!!!!!! next chapter will be a part 2 cause i can't have this go any longer lmao

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