PARTAY PT. 2!?!?!?!?!

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Cody's POV

Me and Noah have been in this room for, like, FOREVER. I really want to enjoy the party, but I don't want to be anywhere near Sierra. But I really want to enjoy the party.
"Hey, Noah?" I ask him. He just responds with a small 'hm?' He actually brought a book to the party. Who does that? "Can we go, like, actually party?"
"My idea of partying is very vast from your idea of partying," he says, not taking his eyes off of his book. I pout, and decide to get up and walk towards the door anyways. "What about Sierra?" he asks as I set my hand on the doorknob.
"Well, you can still hide me from her," I say. "Just...we'll be more out in the open."
"Where it'll be easy to see you." I watch as he raises an eyebrow at me.
"I think you just want an excuse to hang out with me alone!" I say to him, smiling a bit. He's clearly not amused.
"God, you're like Izzy." And then he sets his book down to get up and follow me out of the room. As we walk out of the room, Izzy stands down the hall, but once she spots us, comes running our way.
"Speak of the devil," Noah mumbles beside me, earning a small giggle from me.
"OKAYOKAYOKAY," Izzy screams in our faces. "SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT THE TWO OF YOU JUST CAME OUT OF A SECLUDED AREA?????? WITH NO ONE ELSE IN IT??????" I can see Noah roll his eyes at her.
"Yes, Izzy," Noah said. "Because Cody has a stalker that he'd like to not run into tonight."
"You two are no fun," Izzy says before walking away. I laugh a bit before me and Noah start walking again. We see a big group of people sitting around in the living room, so decide to head in there. No sight of Sierra. Maybe this will be a good place to blend in! Me and Noah sit down behind the big group, and look around at the people. It looks like Trent, Harold, and Justin are standing together, talking. Heathers sitting with Lindsay, Beth, Bridgette, and Leshawna as they all do each others nails. Weird, I didn't think any of them liked Heather! Sadie and Katie are standing, talking about whatever it is Sadie and Katie talk about. And then there's Courtney and Gwen on the couch. Wait...Courtney and Gwen?
"Weird," Noah says, looking at the two. "I didn't think they were friends."
"Me neither," I tell him. "You think I should shoot my shot with Gwen?"
"Er, no," he tells me honestly. "I don't. I don't know much about girls, but what I do know is that you shouldn't barge in on their conversation, end it, and then ask one of them out."
"Wait, really?" I ask. He looks at me wide eyed, as if I were dumb.
"Yes, really! That's a horrible thing to-"
"No, I mean, you really don't know much about girls? I just found it surprising, that's all," I say with a shrug, which was met with a playful punch from Noah.

Gwen's POV

I have a confession.

I think I like girls.

It's all Courtney's fault! How did I end up liking my ex's ex? Ugh, she's just so pretty and kind, and the show did her horrible. It messed all of us up, and I feel horrible for Courtney! We've been talking about the stupid show and how it ruined our lives, and I realized that Courtney's not as bad as the show made her seem. That stupid show brought out the worst parts in all of us for the whole world to see, and barely focused on our good parts. And Courtney has a lot of good parts. She's funny, kind, pretty - gorgeous, actually - and has her whole life planned! I mean, she's a woman of dedication. What's not to love? The only thing is that I'm not sure she likes me back. Actually, I'm pretty sure she still likes Duncan! So, yeah. This night was going great.

Duncans POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! How could I have been so stupid?

I quickly leaned over and threw up into the toilet. I hoped no one's outside, waiting to use the restroom. I couldn't tell if I was throwing up because of the alcohol, or because of my recent "gay awakening." I'm not fucking gay! I have and still do like girls! But stupid fucking Alejandro made me realize that Trent...Trent's pretty hot. Alright, that was gross. I need desperate help.

I finished my throw-up session, flushed the toilet, and walked out of the bathroom. Sorry to anyone using that bathroom later! I walked into the living room, only for my eyes to immediately land on Trent. And Harold and Justin, of course. But...Trent. What. The. Fuck. I headed back over to the bar to find Alejandro.
"Dude," I said once I found him. "I need help."
"Sorry, mi hombre," he said. "I don't know much about guys."
"You literally are one."
"So are you."
I grumbled before walking away from Alejandro. Why was he so difficult? I decided my best plan of action was to just ignore these feelings and hope they go away soon! Except the more I think about ignoring them, the more I feel them.

Well, fuck me.

3rd Person POV

As the party started to come to an end, a few people started to leave. Tyler and Lindsay ended up having to go first, so she had to cut her girls session off.
"Bye, all of you!" Lindsay called to Heather, Beth, Bridgette, and Leshawna. They all waved back. Even Heather. Ezekiel was next to go, and - even though he said goodbye to everyone - no one wished him goodbye. More and more people left until only a few remained. Sierra had finally found Cody, and Noah couldn't protect him this time. Sierra ran up to Cody and gave him a big hug, so tight Cody's head would probably blow off if any more pressure was added.
"I'll see you soon, Codykins!!" she exclaimed before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Cody looked traumatized. Very. Traumatized. He quickly walked back over to Noah, and they walked outside to wait for Eva, Izzy, and Owen. Duncan was quick to leave, not wanting to run into Trent. Gwen and Courtney left together, enjoying their talk. And then the last people left were Geoff, Bridgette, Dj, and Trent. Dj helped pack up food, taking home any leftovers that Geoff didn't want. There wasn't much, though, seeing that Owen had eaten most of it. Trent helped Bridgette and Geoff pick up trash from the party, and then was out the door.
"Bye, guys," Dj called to Geoff and Bridgette as he left, too. And then only Geoff and Bridgette remained. And Bridgette spent the night.

The next day lol

-Total Drama GC-

Geoff: thanks to all of you guys for making that the best party eva!!!!!

Courtney: *Ever

Geoff: thanks dudette😎😎🤘

Courtney: You're welcome.


Harold: ^^^

Harold: that party was awesome, dude

Literally Everyone: ^^^^^

1205 words!!

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