ANOTHER PARTY!?!?!?! (geoff needs to slow down💔)

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CREDS TO @CamiExplodes and @glowingtearz FOR THE IDEA OF THE PARTY AND THE CODY AND JUSTIN BINDING TIME (which turned into drama brothers bonding time)

-the gayest group-

Geoff: yo dudes and dudettes and whatever else you may go by

Geoff: i heard there's some new lovebirds

Noah: Gwen. What did you do.

Gwen: why're you asking me????

Geoff: chillax

Geoff: ok so i realized we never had a duntrent party

Geoff: but we also now need a party for the newbies

Geoff: so this party will be EXTRA cool!!!!!

Heather: and who are the newbies?



Sierra: who do i have to add to my blog???

Geoff: oh...

Geoff: sierra...

Sierra: yeah????

Geoff: nevermind

Geoff: i'm only gonna share if the newbies are chill with it

Alejandro: what if we have everyone guess at the party

Alejandro: and when it ends the new couple has to reveal themselves

Noah: That sounds dumb.

Noah: I think you should leave "the newbies" alone.


Noah: ...


Noah: You are not making this any easier.

Alejandro: that's the plan!

Alejandro: you two would never tell anyone otherwise

Noah: Sierra will quite literally strangle me.

Alejandro: lol

Noah: ...

-the gayest group-




Duncan: the party

Geoff: yup

Geoff: i have a bunch of peeps helping set it up

Geoff: laterz


Cody: noah

Noah: Yeah?

Cody: were we just forced into telling everyone we're dating

Noah: Yeah.

Cody: oh wow

Cody: um

Cody: i'd like to apologize in advance for anything sierra does to you

Noah: It's alright, none of it would be your fault.

Cody: oh ok

Cody: <3

Noah: <3

a/n i love noco ashsajshwoanwlsixhwjd i feel like this fic is slowly turning into more and more noco i'll try and have more of other ships

Cody's POV

I was kinda excited for the party. I've always loved parties, but never really had one for me. I was also scared with how Sierra would react. I didn't want her to hurt Noah...or worse...

I decided I wouldn't spend that much time on my outfit, and so I just chose something comfy. I reapplied deodorant, brushed my teeth, yada yada. I ended watching some TV until it was time for the party. Noah had texted telling me he could pick me up, so now all I had to do was wait for a knock on the door or a ring of the doorbell! The knock came a couple minutes later.

I shut off the TV and opened my front door to see Noah standing there, waiting for me. He didn't seem too excited about this party either. I gave him a quick kiss before walking to his car, hearing his footsteps come after me a few seconds later. I got in the passenger side as he got in the drivers, and within no time we were off!

"No Izzy or Eva today?" I joked.

"They're riding together," Noah responded. "It's nice to have some peace and quiet."

We arrived at Geoff's house in a short amount of time, and got out of the car. The whole place already looked nice, and that was only from the outside. How much could be done in just a few hours?

We walked up to the door, and didn't even have to knock before it swung wide open.

"Welcome, newbies," Geoff joked quietly, jabbing both of us in the side with his elbow.

"Hi," I replied. Noah didn't respond. I could tell he was having a real blast so far...

I put my hand in his and squeezed twice as a way of reassuring him.

"Aren't you worried people will notice?" he asked, glancing at our hands.

"They're already gonna be guessing," I replied, having to shout a bit louder as the music started to blare louder. "Might as well give them a hint!" I smiled childishly at him. He ended up smiling back.

We walked over to a big group, and happened to run into the other Drama Brothers.

"Hey, guys!" I shouted over the loud music. "How's it going?"

"Hey, dude," Harold replied. "It's going well!"

"Same here," Justin agreed.

"Yeah, everything's going great," Trent agreed as well. I grinned at him. Everything was going great because he has a boyfriend now. do I...

Wow, that was weird to think about.

My brain immediately remembered that my hand was still interlaced with Noah's. But, for once, I didn't care! It was a party! We're supposed to have fun and be carefree! And plus, even though most don't know it, this party is for me and Noah somewhat. 

"I'm gonna go use the restroom," Noah spoke into my ear.

"Okay!" I responded, smiling at him. I watched as he walked away before turning back to the Drama Brothers. Trent had actually brought his guitar, and we ended up "performing" some songs for anyone who cared to listen.

It was fun. It was nice.

Until Geoff had the great idea of "spin the bottle."

Oh, boy, was this going to be interesting.

864 words!! i'm gonna have there be a part 2 cause i'm tired and have to wake up early tmrw. love you all!!

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